Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,025,990 Issue: 921 | 20th day of Storing, Y22
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword juan_victor

Week - 909

First Day at the Lab
by juan_victor
Description: ...Seriously?

Week - 911

Notable Neopian Meercas: An Homage
by necromancer_6
Description: What better way to celebrate upcoming Meerca Day than by remembering and paying homage to some memorable Meercas in Neopian history? collab with fernandomf and juan_victor

Week - 911

Discovery of Brightvale Crossword
by menosprezar
Description: What better way to prove your intelligence to King Hagan than by solving this Brightvale themed crossword? collab with juan_victor

Week - 911

by juan_victor
Description: Oh...

Week - 911

Bubble Trouble
by fernandomf
Description: Troubles with bubbles... collaboration with necromancer_6 and juan_victor

Week - 914

Its Mine!
by juan_victor
Description: Okay I know what this looks like...Collab with fernandomf and necromancer_6

Week - 915

Unexpected Vacation
by juan_victor
Description: Okay this is NOT what I meant... Collab with necromancer_6 and quigglebaby

Week - 917

Spot the Differences
by diblila
Description: Did you hear that? 7 differences! Collab with fernandomf and juan_victor

Week - 919

A Friendly Hug
by neelii
Description: A friend will give you what you need... collab with juan_victor and guitdb12

Week - 921

Baby Bash: Spot the 6 Differences
by belindaword
Description: Can you spot all 6 differences? Collab with juan_victor and inculpe

Week - 921

Let Me Sleep!
by juan_victor
Description: Boooo! Collabo with diblila and belindaword.

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Games and Random Events - Part 2
Thank you, I guess?

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Harnessing Slorg Happiness
How to harness the power of happiness with a little inspiration from one of the happiest petpets in all of Neopia: Slorgs!

by actiontal


FALL-tastic: Best Autumn Items Guide - Backgrounds
Are you ready to enjoy the season of Fall to the fullest? Then check out this guide!! Collab with imgonnageta

by sosunub


Why Join A Guild?
Diving into a guild is making a leap of faith!

by daschuffita


Myth Opens A New Door For The Lab Ray
Dedicated to my cool and creative Haunted Woods friend who is one of the kindest Neopians!

by pixie_tea

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