Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 196,589,849 Issue: 928 | 19th day of Awakening, Y23
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword ajekdur

Week - 927

Keep Warm this Valentine's Day
by ajekdur
Description: Happy Valentine's Day!

Week - 928

A Walk on the Beach
by ajekdur
Description: Strolling on the beach I spotted a huge clam...

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Kiss Me
Let's be Mortogs together :)

by crazyjoe99


Sutek's Lost Crossword
Enjoy this lost desert themed crossword puzzle. Previous puzzle's answers are included. collab with itaela & freehanded.

by muddywater1


An Unexpected Accessory
A random event, but make it fashion! collab with theofloppy4135 and verna_

by baiuki


But this is what I've been Training for!!

by kayona4


The Little Voice
Everyone has a little voice in the back of their head. This one happens to drive a yurble towards her inner darkness.

by fallingdaybreak

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