Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 196,766,106 Issue: 940 | 16th day of Swimming, Y23
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Parallel Neo-verses

by roxanna203

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Great stories!


The Surreal Exhibition
Have you ever felt that your painting was staring back at you? No? Well, now you have! Collab with fishmas and sunbathr

by acara_575


The Dream at Illmoor
The dream of that awful, haunted night will stay with me forever. Perhaps by relating my account, I might be free of such thoughts, but I have little hope of that after so long...

by herdygerdy


Why Do We Have Hands?
There are many reasons... Collab with mikurubeam297

by riparu


Royal Pain: Space Soda
Now in [REDACTED] flavour

by winner19955

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