teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 196,766,106 Issue: 940 | 16th day of Swimming, Y23
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The Treachery of Pipes

by silakbo

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The Fortunate Misfortune
Have you been zapped today?

by sleepiestkitty


Parallel Neo-verses
Why does everyone have a different magma time? Collab with friends_rock2135

by roxanna203


Top 14 Surreal Items to Kickstart Your Collection
Luckily for all you intrepid collectors of the inexplicable, I’ve combed through the deepest databases of the Space Station, spelunked into the most ancient of slimy tombs, and poured through endless sandy scroll tombs to compile a handy starter list of some of the most surreal artifacts in the land.

by yellowflower7


A Lenny Conundrum
A desert lenny finds herself in over her head. Collab with thabos and ghatna

by rawbeee

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