White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,074,987 Issue: 959 | 29th day of Eating, Y24
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword np_faeries

Week - 466

The Unexpected Purchase
by np_faeries
Description: "Hu, how much is this plushie, exactly?" I asked nervously.

Week - 475

The First Stuffed Chronicles
by umbreon133
Description: Presenting Zane, Stick and Wala, at their finest! Concept by np_faeries

Week - 502

Amlin and Stick
by bittersweet52
Description: "Honey, I agree that ShoopShoop does look a bit green. But Amlin, you know that a Baby Shoyru is supposed to be green, right?"

Also by np_faeries

Week - 517

Amlin and Stick, Part 2
by bittersweet52
Description: "I can keep him, right?" Amlin asked.

Also by np_faeries

Week - 913

The Kyrii Kid: Lesson 1
by np_faeries
Description: It's going to be a long journey, alright...

Week - 951

Secrets of Professional Battledomers
by np_faeries
Description: Step 1: Building a Reliable Weapon Set Collab with 108050

Week - 958

Why don't you just paint me GREY?
by heathernel193
Description: When sassy Neopets get called out collab with np_faeries and 108050

Week - 959

An Untimely Harvest
by np_faeries
Description: Grey Day isn't all it's cracked up to be... collab with 108050 and heathernel19

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Caring for Gruslens
"Have you ever considered what it takes to fully care for a Gruslen?" collab with megaamark

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Blessed by the Blue Faerie
A journey to find where one truly belongs.

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Missing Krawk Island Stamps
It's not a donation if you steal it, though...

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Another Hero's Journey...to Krawk Island
the final chapter!

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