Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,056,408 Issue: 960 | 13th day of Hunting, Y24
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword venused

Week - 611

Eight Reasons Dr. Sloth Isn’t As Evil As You Think
by venused
Description: Since Dr. Frank Sloth burst onto the scene in Neopia's Year 2, he's earned a bad rap. Quite unfairly, might I add.

Week - 619

You Call That Winning?
by venused
Description: Welcome to Tombola!

Week - 639

10 Overlooked Dailies that You Need to Add
by venused
Description: There are plenty of lesser-known places in Neopia that can be very profitable if you know where to look!

Also by laulaukins

Week - 640

Ways to Keep Your Spirits Up On Grey Day
by laulaukins
Description: Wanting to perk your Neopet up on Grey Day? Try some of these suggestions to keep their spirits up high...

Co-written by venused

Week - 645

Neopia's Most Fierce Female Neopets
by venused
Description: Over the course of its more than thirteen years, Neopia has seen its fair share of tough ladies.

Week - 646

Buyable NC Mall Items Worth Having in Your Closet
by venused
Description: What about the NC Mall wearables that remain fashionably appropriate all year?

Week - 957

The Return of Destiny
by venused
Description: "Nice to see you again, dear reader. I mean, I, The Storyteller of this story, would be nothing without you. Thanks for caring about what I have to say. Especially for this magnificent story that I have rescued from the confines of Neopia." collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

Week - 958

The Return of Destiny
by venused
Description: Chapter 2: "The story to tell. Light and dark faeries"collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

Week - 959

The Return of Destiny
by venused
Description: "As was lightly mentioned in the previous chapter, there was only one Neopet in all of Neopia who knew of the existence of the Faerie of Mist." collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

Week - 960

The Return of Destiny
by venused
Description: "What Merlin and Sheyn saw as they turned around was a Hissi. A Halloween Hissi, dressed in a very long cape with the color of the forest." collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

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The Return of Destiny
"What Merlin and Sheyn saw as they turned around was a Hissi. A Halloween Hissi, dressed in a very long cape with the color of the forest." collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

by venused

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