Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,091,448 Issue: 962 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y24
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword ferretboy85

Week - 956

Castle Planner's Journal: The Crypts
by ferretboy85
Description: "Anyway, it's happened again. The gardeners are complaining that the flowerbeds are still flooding! The gardens won’t look pretty this summer without flowers!”

Week - 959

Castle Planners Journal: The Cheese Incident
by ferretboy85
Description: "An orange Bori stood at the top of a tall tower looking out across all of Meridell. This watch tower afforded him a great view of all of the castle that he was responsible for, specifically, the bright red roofing tiles."

Week - 960

Castle Planner’s Journal: The Wailing Room
by ferretboy85
Description: A mysterious sound has spooked the residents of the castle. How can our architecture nerd save the day from this mysterious monster!

Week - 962

Castle Planner’s Journal: The Missing Crevice
by ferretboy85
Description: As Sir Borodere digs up an old memory, a familiar voice calls for help! How can our Castle Planner help out this time?

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An Hour With The Library Faerie
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