Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,091,448 Issue: 962 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y24
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword mysticmajin

Week - 962

Caring For Your Pile of Soot
by mysticmajin
Description: "Pile of Soots can still be really loving petpets, and if you ever really loved your Petpet at all, you'll stick with them."

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Venture Capital: Road to the Neopets Stock Market
The final chapter! collab with myncithemonkey

by typlohisioh


Hair Issues
Let's try a new hairstyle.

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How to Get an Island Slorg on a Budget
Feel like you're on a vacation every day... on a budget!

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Dr. Labray - Or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And...
"As a transgender individual, one of the harder things I found when coming out was finding a name that felt like 'me'." collab with LongwoodGeek

by temporaltraveler


Dear Old Friend
"We missed you at the International Charity Ball last night. Galgorroth told me that you weren’t feeling well; he said you respectfully declined the invitation but wanted to come."

by parody_ham

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