teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 197,504,353 Issue: 966 | 12th day of Hiding, Y24
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword kebicorn

Week - 943

Handling The Unexpected
by kebicorn
Description: Looking straight down at the rock in the gently flowing river, Vanduck tried a seventh time to peck at the ground. The energy stored in the currents of the water and the heat of its river stones was barely enough to activate the young mutant vandagyre's psychometry... Collab with joanna_lewis

Week - 945

Send A Star
by kebicorn
Description: Stardust streamed behind a yellow mote in the atmosphere above Shenkuu... Collab with joanna_lewis

Week - 947

Ixi Rare Gem
by joanna_lewis
Description: Ixidae slowly walked towards the door. She really didn’t want to do this, but what choice did she have? Collab with kebicorn

Week - 950

Cocoabears, This Year's Best-selling Gift
by kebicorn
Description: A wintery petpet adventure! Collab with joanna_lewis

Week - 951

A Moltara Christmas
by joanna_lewis
Description: Young Jorei fears that Christmas can't come to Moltara without snow... Collab with kebicorn

Week - 952

Snakebite Noir
by joanna_lewis
Description: A curse! A heist! A betrayal! Oh my! Collab with kebicorn

Week - 965

Ancient Home: Part 1
by kebicorn
Description: "Shrieking in the night within the circle of torches around them, a mass of horned evil coconuts gathered in front of their king. The tribe lived in an uncharted area on the southern shore of The Isle of Fay." collab with joanna_lewis

Week - 966

Ancient Home - Part 2
by kebicorn
Description: "Grenth glided in a lazy circle over the summit of the highest mountain in Tyrannia." collab with joanna_lewis

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Ghosts of the Past - Part 2
"The ride to Meri Acres Farm was surprisingly mundane."

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A Guide to the Rubbish Dump, from a dedicated dumper
"Ever find yourself sitting and staring at the Rubbish Dump, frustrated at the lack of that shiny new avatar, or any valuable items? Well, I have just the guide for you."

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Florg Goes Vegetarian: Part 1
Florg make big change.

by woohooloolz

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