Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,167,960 Issue: 969 | 23rd day of Gathering, Y24
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Spot the Difference Edition #16

by not_sporty

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The Non-Pirates of Krawk Island
"From the desk of Hawise Minthamm, Brightvale scholar, folklorist, and journalist."

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Alma the Brave Little Chomby
”Woah, there little one!” Scarlet swooped down and intercepted the little Chomby before she could wander into the cave. “That is no place for you.”

by rkbear


Who Needs New Avatars? Bring Back the Old!
"Whenever I try to think of a topic to write about for the Times, I always come back to avatars. They are my favourite thing about Neopets, the single, ongoing goal that keeps me on the site day after day for over six years. They are frustrating, disappointing, and incredibly satisfying to collect."

by bouncyhanyou


NeoPizza - Brotherly Bonds - Page 4
In which a discovery is made..

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