Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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We found the following 31 result(s) for the keyword cyber1ofkakoradesert

Week - 514

Hit the Showers
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: He had always believed in a clean victory.

Week - 519

You Won't Win
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: "I guess I'll be going now, Nox," Magax whispered to the gravestone. He turned and started walking...

Week - 521

Challenges in Life
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: "Zo, my dear," she had said, "the nicest things in life are earned, and not simply gotten."

Week - 528

A Day of Appreciation
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: "Today, I shall visit Neopia," Sloth said to himself. "I shall visit and pick up the cake I want."

Week - 536

The Shamrock
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: "What did Uncle Rowan send you this year, Kate?" Mom asked me. She was curiously looking at the little box.

Week - 580

Chef Hoban
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: To all those who've worked in a kitchen, this is for you.

Week - 647

A Haunted Birthday
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: It had been pretty quiet around the Haunted Woods lately...

Week - 656

Making History: A Haunted Victory
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: The moment the referee blew the whistle, Krell knew the game was over.

Week - 683

The Palindrome of Thade
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: The class room was quiet, almost an eerie quiet. I was sitting at my desk trying to solve the latest anagram book.

Week - 687

Millie's Monster: Part One
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: The house looked spooky. Millie gazed at the ancient building; never had she seen a house so enormous. There must be a billion rooms in it! There were half a dozen windows in the front of the mansion alone.

Week - 688

Millie's Monster: Part Two
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: It was bright and early, when Millie got up. Her parents were still asleep in the room down the hall, her nanny hadn’t arrived yet either. Millie stopped and looked at the grandfather clock that sat in the upstairs living area.

Week - 784

Captain Karen
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: Why would an Heiress to one of the Largest Trading and stock Market business owners in Neopia want to sail away on a pirate ship?

Week - 785

Captain Karen: Part Two
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: There were sounds of happy giggling and excited squeals. Soon enough, there was the sound of a violin come screeching to life.

Week - 786

Captain Karen: Part Three
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: He came to stand beside her and fixed his gaze on the portrait. It was a portrait of a young woman and a little girl.

Week - 787

Captain Karen: Part Four
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: There had to be something missing. There was surely something connecting her to this mystery. Karen couldn’t quite figure out just how she belonged in this or how she had even gotten mixed up in it to begin with.

Week - 788

Captain Karen: Part Five
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: T he scratching noise had gotten louder. Over the last four days the crew had been trying to catch the mysterious creature.

Week - 789

Captain Karen: Part Six
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: It wasn’t long before he was better at replacing the rigging and maintaining the sails than Karen had been during her brief tenure as the ships maintenance guru. She was still unsure how to tell Thadius about her friendship with Melody.

Week - 796

Dawn and Dusk: Part One
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: It was a gray morning as I ran full tilt through the Neovian graveyard. I had expected my morning to start a bit easier than this, but now I was running and trying to hide among the headstones.

Week - 797

Dawn and Dusk: Part Two
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: I watched in amazement for a few seconds before I realized I needed to hide.

Starring chasing_stars44's beloved pet, Janet

Week - 809

Dawn and Dusk vs the Bounty Hunter
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: I’ve had a lot of people ask me what it was like hanging out with Balthazar during our assignment on Famous Haunted Woods citizens, last year.

Week - 810

Dawn and Dusk vs the Bounty Hunter:Part Two
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: I had gotten an early start to the day. I had gotten up and ready before our alarm clock had even gone off. For purposes relating to our prank, I picked my clothes carefully and threw the exact same set onto Wila’s bed so she could be my mirror image.

Week - 811

Dawn and Dusk vs the Bounty Hunter:Part Three
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: Sunday morning. No one should have to be up this early on a Sunday morning. My clock read six-thirty AM.

Week - 812

Dawn and Dusk vs the Bounty Hunter:Part Four
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: The final bell had rung releasing us from class for the weekend. Wila and I gathered our things, and headed out into the hallway with Mordred.

Week - 968

A Walk in the Woods - Part 1
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: "The clock said five thirty in the morning, and the sun was just beginning to wake up at the edge of the Haunted Woods. It was going to be a great day!"

Week - 969

A Walk in the Woods - Part 2
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: "What was usually only a ten-minute visit was more like fifteen today. My watch now read six forty-five in the morning. I continued down the path to Neovia and enjoyed the spooky scenery as my feet went from a dirt path to greeting the cobbled walkways of the town."

Week - 974

The Crystal Flute
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: Terror Mountain was certainly cold. I was walking through a fantasy of lights set out by the inhabitants of the mountain village.

Week - 975

The crystal Flute
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: "It was around ten in the morning when rehearsal for our holiday concert wrapped up at the Symphony Hall. I had been thinking about my Grandpa’s grave all morning..."

Week - 976

Mordred the concertmaster
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: "The light was flashing. It was a brilliant white-blue colour that illuminated my room. I reached over..."

Week - 977

Mordred the concertmaster
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: "Well, it went better than expected and worse than I had wanted..."

Week - 978

Mordred the concertmaster
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: "The day of the talent show. Nessa, the twins and I were all excited..."

Week - 979

Mordred the concertmaster
by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Description: "It was the night before the big talent show. Over the past week, the twins and I had bumped into Braxton a few more times..."

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