Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword daschuffita

Week - 921

Why Join A Guild?
by daschuffita
Description: Diving into a guild is making a leap of faith!

Week - 975

The Weewoo's 975th joke
by actiontal
Description: "How many NT Writers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" Collab with daschuffita

Week - 979

Six Ways to Decorate Your Home for Illusen Day
by daschuffita
Description: "And as the sun breaks, it finally arrives – Illusen Day! As ever, it’s an exciting time for the entire Neopian community, as this day is dedicated to celebrating the kindness and generosity of the beloved freckled Faerie, Illusen."

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Great stories!


The Happiest Quiggle (FOR ILLUSEN ISSUE)
"Finally, the winner is..."

by nut862


A Missing Invitation
"A sour, noxious smell followed the purple and green clouds that rolled like fog into Illusen’s Glade..."

by emma_manatee


A Reasonable Request
Happy Illusen Day!

by the_creator12345


Awkward Avatar Hunters: Illusen Day
Illusen Day happened to be a little different this year for avatar hunters ;)

by 6moricehero6


Top 10 Illusen Day Foodie Items
"Hello and welcome! On this episode of Top 10 Items, we have a theme dedicated to the one and only Illusen!"

by smeehoo27126043

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