Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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Illusen's New Quest

by saqo


Illusen sighed and looked once again around her sprawling green glade. The tall trees of Lightwater Forest stretched above her, reaching their branches to the sky. It was blue and sparkling as the leaves of the trees swayed slightly in the warm breeze. Only a few clouds scattered above could be seen swimming lazily across the sky.

     It was peaceful.

     Except, of course, for the piles of items scattered around her. Red lamps, green chairs. Piles and piles of Rainwater Shampoo. A basket or two of Green Doughnuts. Other foods, stationary, and furniture lay in huge mounds arounds her.

     Clutter! That is what Illusen had started to think during the past week. She had awoken one morning in her quiet, hidden area of Meridell and looked around to see these piles of items as not goods, not interesting items, things with stories and memories, but clutter. So many Neopians came to her every day to receive a quest, and then to receive an item in return. A cookie, a brush, a potion, a book, a blade. In turn, she piled up countless hordes of these items, as well as those that she received from those Neopians. Why, she could fill a hundred Neohomes or more with all the furniture she had accumulated! What did she need sixty-five red chairs for, last week alone? She wasn’t sure, today. Something felt off, today.

     Sighing, Illusen stood up from her bed and walked across her room to start her day. She poured herself some calming herbal tea. Cupping her hands around the cup, she looked at a pile of mail that had been delivered. On the top was a small, shiny, icy blue envelope. She placed her cup down and opened the envelope curiously.

     “Why, it’s a card from Taelia!” She exclaimed, reading further. “She’s inviting me to visit Terror Mountain to stay with her!”

     Illusen stopped, put the card down, and sipped her tea again quietly. A wry smile spread over her face as she nodded her head. “This is just what I need. Time away!”

     A few hours later, after packing a small bag of items she would need for a night or two away from her Glade and asking a neighbouring Neopet to fill in for her at the Glade to assist with Neopian quests, Illusen set off for Terror Mountain.


     Illusen shielded her eyes from the bright, even harsh sun that sparkled on the snow and ice of Terror Mountain. Crunching her way through the snow, shivering a little, she approached Taelia’s small hut, but before she could knock, the door swung open and some small piles of snow fell from the roof with the force of the swing.

     “Illusen!” Taelia cried, pulling her into a hug and ushering her inside.

     “Thanks for having me, Taelia,” Illusen said, stepping inside and setting down her bag. She stretched, and settled into a comfortable chair. In contrast to the cool air and biting wind outside, Taelia’s home was warmed by a roaring fire in the fireplace, and large, cushy, comfortable chairs and pillows lined the walls. Taelia sat on a big, fluffy cushion across from Illusen.

     “I’m glad to have you.” Taelia said, smiling.

     “To tell you the truth,” Illusen started, “Your card was very good timing. I wasn’t feeling myself this morning. I was feeling bored, and a little overwhelmed by all the quests.”

     Taelia nodded, “That can happen.”

     “Oh, that’s right. I guess I forgot that you take quests as well, Taelia! It’s been years and years now that we have been doing the same thing. Do you ever feel bored by your tasks?”

     Taelia nodded again, “Occasionally. But when that happens, I try to reframe my quests and ask for different items.”

     “Different items?”

     “That’s right!” Taelia jumped up, "Why, did you know my face and style adorns all these items?" She asked, rummaging in a large box. She pulled out a soft coat, identical to her own. "Taelias Collectors Coat!" She said, "And here," she said, handing Illusen a Yoyo, Book, and Collectors Card with her image on them.

     “Hmm, these are quite different to what I give out at the Glade!” Illusen said, nodding. “And you have a number of books.”

     Taelia smiled at Illusen, “That’s right. When I get bored with an item, I provide a new one for Neopians. Sure, snowballs can be fun to play with,” she shrugs, “but sometimes I feel like a Plushie or Ball can be even more fun!”

     Illusen nods slowly, “Well, I don’t think I can change the items I give to Neopians in return for their services. You see, I have mountains of each item! And Neopians come from far and wide expecting a certain item in exchange for the one I ask them for.”

     “Hmm,” Taelia said, settling back down on the fluffy cushion. “That’s fair. In that case, why don’t you research what else you can ask them for? For example… I have heard that you tend to ask for a lot of furniture?”

     Illusen buried her head in her hands, “I know… I know! I just can’t help but ask for a chair or a lamp every now and then. But now I can’t find room in my Glade to keep them all! I’m hidden there, but soon I won’t be, if the colorful furniture continues to overflow like it does now.”

     Taelia chuckled. “So, why don’t you consider asking for some new items? How exciting would that be for you, and the Neopians on the quests as well to have that surprise as part of their day!”

     Illusen grinned, nodding, “I knew you would have the best advice. Thank you Taelia!”

     As the afternoon turned to dusk, the two Faeries shared a pot of rich, warming stew as they watched the snow storm pick up outside Taelia’s hut. The wind howled, but they felt safe and comfortable inside. After enjoying a relaxing cup of tea they both turned in to bed. Illusen dreamed about all the interesting items she could start asking Neopians to bring her in exchange for her wares. No more red lamps for her!


     “Did you hear?” The Plushie Aisha asked a passing Pastel Blumaroo. “Illusen is back in town!”

     The Blumaroo squeaked excitedly. “Finally, I’m almost on quest sixteen!” He grinned as the two Neopets made their way from Neopia Central to Illusen’s Grove together.

     Back in Meridell, hidden in a grove of tall trees and across a number of cool ponds and meadows of wildflowers, Illusen excitedly watched the Neopets approaching her Glade. The sense of the unknown was just as exciting for her as it was for the Neopets! She had made a long list of new items she could ask Neopians for, and would pick one at random when a Neopet approached her. Sure, they would receive a cookie, or a brush, or a book in return, but part of the excitement was the journey, after all! The seeking out of a rare, exciting, or new item brought a sense of adventure into their daily lives.

     And, honestly, to her life too! Illusen felt invigorated, balanced, and motivated. She turned to the line of Neopets approaching her. “Come right up, for a wonderful quest!” She called out happily. Today the adventure was hers as well!

     The End.

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