Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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Can You Guide Illusen Safely to Her Staff?

by isabelleke49

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A wordsearch game dedicated to the amazing Earth Faerie; Illusen

by xlorally


Top 10 Illusen Day Foodie Items
"Hello and welcome! On this episode of Top 10 Items, we have a theme dedicated to the one and only Illusen!"

by smeehoo27126043


Totally Worth It
Petty but effective - unadvisable when your nemesis also has their own day...

by katiekazoo


Illusen's Lament
"The field of flowers seemed to go on forever. Tiny creatures flitted from flower to flower, pausing for pollen before moving on. Two faeries sat in the field looking around."

by kaioti

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