For an easier life Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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Where is my Mint Flavoured Toothpaste

by yellowflower7

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Xac and Fuzo: Natural Reactions
They do say "Opposites Attract" for a reason.

by shellshocks


Illusen's Special Day
Roberta: "Well... there was one thing we needed help with." Collab with Dariganey & Cisko116

by shenkuun


Woodland Petpets Only
Illusen Day Woodland Petpet Celebration! Collab with emaciate

by silly_mistake


I Fought Jhudora on Illusen Day and Lost
"It was a sunny day in Meridell as the morning mist finally cleared. The sky was blue, the Draiks were hatching, and the cheese was rolling..."

by chesschocolate

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