Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,445,760 Issue: 981 | 21st day of Eating, Y25
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The Missing Mask

by 77thbigby


While Toxi considered who to speak with first, her bag began to jostle around, and Molly the Mutant Meepit popped her head out.

     "Aww," Toxi said, looking down at Molly's toothy grin. "Look who finally woke up from her afternoon nap." Toxi opened the bag so Molly could climb onto her shoulder. "So, does anyone seem suspicious?"

     Molly stared at Toxi with her big yellow eyes.

     "Aww, you're hungry. Let's ask a waitress if we can get a seat. Ordering some dinner will give us the energy we need."

     Upon request, Blythe gave Toxi one of the VIP booths next to the dancefloor. Toxi pretended to scan the menu, while using the opportunity to watch the workers and customers interact. Dylan's staff was professional, friendly, and attentive. In her gut, she doubted one of them had committed the crime, but she would never rule out a possibility on the basis of a mere feeling.

     Molly hopped down from the table to play with a customer's Talpidat. Toxi and the Talpidat's owner giggled as the Talpidat playfully chased Molly around the dance floor. Worn out, Molly climbed onto Toxi's shoulder, and Toxi fed her some faerie nachos.

     Toxi heard shouting behind her and turned around in her seat.

     "Ruined! All ruined!"

     A Pink Elephante was flipping through photos while a Speckled Elephante looked nervously over her shoulder. "I'll just take more! It isn't a big deal!" the Speckled Elephante insisted.

     "You'd better. And this time, take care where you're pointing that camera," the Pink Elephante replied. She and Toxi locked eyes. The Pink Elephante came over to her booth, and Toxi maintained eye contact.

     "This is a respectable establishment," the Elephante said, "so please, control that… that thing."

     Toxi cast a pointed look at two Pawkeets, who were fluttering around overhead, and at the Talpidat who continued to prance about the floor. "I'm afraid I don't understand the problem. I see plenty of Petpets playing in this establishment."

     "Yes, but those are respectable Petpets. What even is that thing?" She glared at Molly, who hid her face in Toxi's wig.

     "Molly is a Meepit." Toxi narrowed her eyes.

     "I thought Meepits had fur."

     "A mutant Meepit."

     The Pink Elephante leaned in closer and said, "I know who you are. You should be ashamed to show your face in public. Your family is a disgrace."

     "I am not my family," Toxi replied. "My parents' crimes are no reflection on me. You can't choose your relatives after all."

     The Pink Elephante rolled her eyes and stormed away.

     Once she was out of sight, the Speckled Elephante edged toward Toxi's booth and said, "Please forgive Barbie. She's been under a lot of stress lately."

     "I will," Toxi replied coolly.

     "She's an event planner, and she wanted me to take photos of the venue for her portfolio. She just wanted everything to look flawless."

     "I understand," Toxi said. "Anyway, what's your name?"

     "I'm Emmy. My brother owns this club, you know."

     "Yes, of course. I thought you might all be related."

     Emmy offered a final conciliatory smile and then rushed off to catch up with Barbie. Toxi sipped her water and was glad to see Dylan heading her way.

     "Dylan, there you are!" Barbie exclaimed, hurrying up to meet her brother. "Are you aware that a Cable is here in your disco?"

     Dylan nodded. "Yes, I was just on my way to tell you."

     "Well, aren't you aware of her reputation?"

     "Yes, I am. Its why she's here."

     "I beg your pardon?"

     "I was just on my way to tell you that my Savanna Mask is missing."

     Emmy curled her trunk up, appearing suddenly uncomfortable. "Oh, really?"

     Barbie sniffed. "Seems like someone did you a favour."

     "So, I've hired the best detective I've heard about to find it," Dylan explained, ignoring his sister's jab. "Ms. Cable is investigating the case so please be as cooperative as possible."

     Barbie's face fell into shock, confusion, and something else that Dylan couldn't quite name before his sister seemed to collect herself.

     "Actually, Emmy and I have somewhere else to be. We just wanted to check on a few details for the event I've got coming up."

     "See you later, Dyl," Emmy said, hugging her brother before following after Barbie.

     Dylan didn't give his sisters a second thought, making his way through the bustling crowd to meet up with Toxi. "How's everything going so far?"

     "Just fine. I met two of your sisters, Barbie, and Emmy. Barbie acts a little protective of the discotheque but-"

     "What did she say to you?" Dylan asked, suddenly concerned.

     Toxi managed a ghost of a smile. "Nothing Molly and I haven't heard before. I'm not here to cause problems, Dylan. I'm here to solve them."

     Dylan ran his trunk over his head with a short sigh. "Barbie tends to come on a bit strong and likes to act like she owns the place. I usually let her do as she pleases but maybe I need to be more up front with her about her behaviour."

     "I leave that up to you but please don't feel like you have to do anything on my account."


     A delighted squeal interrupted their conversation and a White Elephante wrapped the Disco Elephante in a hug.

     Dylan grinned. "Lala!" Then, his face fell, and he winced.

     Lala at once took a step back, eyes filled with concern. "What's wrong?"

     Dylan sighed. "I don't know how to tell you this but when I opened the disco this afternoon, I discovered that the mask was gone."

     Lala's ears flared in shock. "You don't mean to say someone stole it?!"

     "That's the way it appears, I'm afraid."

     "Oh, that's awful! Who would do such a thing?"

     Dylan shook his head. "I don't know but I've hired someone to find out." He turned to Toxi. "Lala, this is Toxi Cable, a private detective here to hopefully track down the whereabouts of the missing mask."

     "Cable…I've heard that name!" Lala exclaimed suddenly, eyes lighting with recognition. "You're in the papers, sometimes, right? You solve mysteries all the time. I'm so glad my brother hired you!"

     A delighted ooh! caught their attention to see an Island Hasee waving enthusiastically to the mutant Meepit still sitting on Toxi's shoulder.

     "Landy loves making new friends," Lala explained with a grin. "I don't think either of us have ever met a Meepit before. What's your Petpet's name?"

     "This is Molly," Toxi introduced, gently reassuring her Petpet with a touch.

     "Is it alright if she has a treat?" Lala asked.

     "I don't see why not. Molly isn't known to refuse food."

     Lala removed a Doughnutfruit from her bag and split it in half, giving one piece to Landy and the other to Molly. Landy immediately began nibbling on hers. Molly gave hers a curious sniff before doing the same.


     Someone called across the busy disco and Dylan gave his sister and Toxi an apologetic look. "Duty calls. I'll try to check back in with you by the end of the night, Toxi but if not, feel free to come and go as you see fit. Lala, I'll catch up with you later."

     Lala waved a brief goodbye to her brother before scooping up Landy. "Good luck in your investigation, Toxi. I was the one that gifted the mask to Dylan in the first place, but I never expected that someone would take it. It's not particularly valuable monetarily, just sentimentally. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm actually here to meet up with some friends."

     "Of course. Enjoy the rest of your night, Lala. It was a pleasure to meet you and Landy," Toxi said with a nod.

     Toxi looked at Molly. "It just goes to show that just because you're related, doesn't mean you have anything in common." The Pirate Draik let her gaze wander over the disco. "Perhaps we should socialize a bit more. The night is still young and so is this case. Let's see what we can find out from having our ears in the right places, yes?"

     Molly gave a squeak of agreement and Toxi scooped her Petpet up, ready to go wherever the next clue might lead.

     Toxi started by milling about, chatting with customers, and getting their impressions. By now, the gossip about the missing mask had spread throughout the disco, and everyone wanted to play a part in the mystery.

     On the dance floor, a robot Gelert said, "I'd keep an eye on Dylan if I were you. It's possible he stole his own mask for publicity. It could be hanging safely over his fireplace right now."

     "What makes you think he was behind the theft?" Toxi asked.

     The Gelert shrugged. "He has a flair for the dramatic, and the club has been making plenty of money. He could afford to hire a detective for a stunt. That's just my opinion."

     Toxi nodded. She tried never to shoot down strange theories even when she didn't believe them. People liked to be helpful, and they were sometimes helpful in ways they didn't intend. For example, this exchange made her ponder whether the thief wanted to produce the gossip and intrigue that flooded the club or whether the thief hadn't expected the news to spread so quickly and dramatically. She should keep an eye out for anyone who seemed oddly pleased or upset by this development.

     A Lemon Chia waved her over to his table and said, "Yesterday, I had a dream Jhudora stole my toothbrush. Do you think that's an omen? Do you think Jhudora had something to do with this? I mean, what are the chances I'd dream of a theft right before a real-life theft happens!" The Chia looked sincere, although the others at his table were snickering. It was clear they'd encouraged him to share his silly theory.

     Toxi replied, "I suppose anything is possible." The others at the table chortled, and Toxi felt bad for the dejected Chia. "Any other people I should watch out for?"

     The Lemon Chia perked up. "Have you spoken to Niko and Simon yet? They're DJing tonight. Most people aren't allowed in the DJ booth, but I bet they'd bend the rules for a detective."

     A pineapple Chia at the table rolled her eyes. "They weren't even here yesterday. They couldn't've done it."

     ."No, he's right," Toxi said. "Even if they weren't here last night, they're often in the booth where the mask used to hang, so they might know something. Thanks for the suggestion."

     Besides, Toxi thought as she headed up to the booth, anyone with a key could have come in after hours.

     Simon the disco Kacheek smiled as she approached, and Niko the disco Kyrii frowned. "Look, I know we gotta talk to you, but can't you come back after work?" Niko asked.

     Simon rolled his eyes. "I'm doing all the work. You've been sitting around moping about your mug."

     "That's not true. I've been adding new songs to the playlist, songs the audience is responding to quite favourably, so stop bothering me, or my headache might come back, and I'll have to call out again tomorrow."

     "I've used maybe two of your suggestions. The rest are far too melancholy for a disco."

     The Kyrii glared at him. "Can you blame me? All anyone wants to talk about is that missing mask, but without my lucky coffee mug, I'm doomed. I'm the true victim of this theft. That mug meant more to me than that mask meant to Dylan."

     Simon laughed. "You're so dramatic."

     "I am not! I already feel a headache starting. I bet caffeine would help, but the thief wanted me to suffer!"

     Simon rolled his eyes. "If it's that important, I'll buy you a new coffee mug."

     Niko pouted. "It wouldn't be the same."

     Toxi leaned on the doorway to the booth and continued to listen to their conversation. Simon didn't acknowledge her presence much, and Niko enjoyed the attention during his bad mood.

     "You know, I have a theory about the thief." Niko glanced at Toxi but directed his words to Simon. "I bet the thief wants to shut the disco down. Create discord and distrust. Tear apart our camaraderie by making everyone suspect each other. I'll bet if you ask Dylan if someone tried to buy the disco recently, he'd give you a name and that person would be guilty with a capital G."

     "That's just silly," Simon said. "The Snot Spot is on sale right down the street. From what I've heard, Judy and Doris are asking a really fair price since they're retiring to Krawk Island."

     "Yeah, but who wants to rebrand a club as terribly named as The Snot Spot?"

     Simon didn't have an answer for that.

     Niko continued, "Even the people who don't like how Dylan runs things still see the potential in this place."

     "Yeah, well, if anyone who doesn't like how Dylan runs things ever took over here, their first order of business would be finding a new DJ because I'd walk right out the door with Dylan."

     "Never have truer words been spoken in this disco," Niko agreed. He looked forlornly at the blank wall. "That mask sure was ugly, but I miss it."

     "It's just not the same," Simon agreed. "With all your moping, I've had to be the positive one tonight, but I can't pretend I'm not sad for Dylan. This is the best job I've ever had. And you'd better not be right about this tearing everyone apart. I love this place."

     Toxi understood what he meant. She loved this place too. She decided to go find Dylan to make sure he was doing okay.

     Toxi didn't immediately see Dylan mixed in with the rest of the crowd. So, she took the stairs that led up to his office. The door was open, and she found Dylan sitting at his desk, face buried in his hands.

     Toxi's heart twisted with concern. She knew a look of defeat when she saw one. She took a step into the room, but the Elephante didn't stir. "Dylan," she called softly, uncertain whether to disturb the poor guy.

     His big ears twitched, and he met her gaze, looking tired. "Have you heard what they're saying about me?"

     Toxi took a seat across from him and nodded. "Yeah, I've heard."

     "But how could they possibly suspect me?!"

     "It's to be expected that 'pets will talk with a place like yours and a larger-than-life personality as you have."

     "And my employees? Do they believe the same? Do you?"

     Having talked to his employees during the night, Toxi knew that they weren't just his employees, they were his friends and, by extension, his family. She shook her head, relieved to have some good news to share. "Not a one. You have good friends, Dylan. Your sisters, your friends and I are all behind you. We've dismissed that theory for what it is: idle gossip." The Draik straightened in her seat. "That being said, I believe I've done all I can do for tonight. I haven't given up but I'm going to start fresh tomorrow and begin to spread out my investigation beyond the disco. I'd like to reach out to the nearby businesses to see if they have any security footage or witnesses that might have seen something suspect earlier today."

     Dylan brightened, his big smile back on his face. "Thank you, Toxi. I knew I could trust you to give this case its due diligence. Even if you don't find it, I know you're giving it your all."

     Toxi felt warmed by Dylan's praise but knew she hadn't earned it, yet. "That's very generous of you, Dylan and I'm glad you think so but please, save your gratitude for after I've closed the case."

     Dylan shrugged. "If you insist."

     "Have a good night, Dylan. I'll keep you posted if I have anything worthwhile to share," Toxi said, rising from her seat.

     "Good night, Toxi."

To be continued…

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