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Bargain with a Dark Faerie

by puzzlepets


Part 3: The Bargain

      “Do we really need this lantern? The moon is quite bright tonight," Hú muttered, trudging along behind Aerin.

     The Draik scoffed. "Shut up, commoner. You have no idea what you're in for."

     Hú took the advice and didn't say another word about it. It didn't take long before Hú realized why the light was necessary; a thick fog seemed to materialize out of nowhere as they wove deeper and deeper into the woods. "What the-"

     “I thought I told you to zip it," Aerin scolded, but his voice still lacked its usual bite. Even the brave knight was not as confident when surrounded by the endless haunting trees. "We're almost there anyways." Hú wanted to ask where exactly they were going but didn't speak for fear of retribution. After another long stretch of walking through the darkness, they reached a giant tree, its twisted branches pointing in every direction. Hú exhaled sharply, overwhelmed by the massive thing.

     Aerin handed the lantern to Hú and spoke quietly and firmly. "Stay here. Don't talk to anyone."

     “Anyone? Who would I-" before Hú could even get the question out, Aerin marched straight at the giant trunk and disappeared. Hú's heart stopped, almost dropping the lantern from pure shock. Here was proof that the Lupe's hunch about Aerin had been correct, but this was no time to rejoice. Hú approached the tree and put one trembling hand to it. Nothing happened. After some time had passed, the Lupe grew tired and sat down among the roots. Hú's eyes grew heavy and, with the lantern flickering nearby as a false sense of security, the Lupe drifted off to sleep.


     “Hey, commoner. Wake up." At the sound of Aerin's voice, Hú jolted awake.

     “What the heck was that?" Hú demanded, referring back to when Aerin had first entered the tree, but the Draik ignored the question.

     “They have your friend. She was stupid enough to get herself lost and wandered right into one of the hollows," he stated flatly.

     “What?!" For the first time all night, Hú's heart swelled with emotion. "She's here? Where is she?"

     Aerin once again ignore the questions. "We haven't got much time. We have to move now if we want to get her back. Come on"

     Confused and frustrated, Hú grabbed Aerin's arm. "Hey, I am talking to you! What is going on here?"

     The Draik spun around, ripping his arm from Hú's grip. He shoved the Lupe up against the tree with his powerful forearm, and his eyes began to glow with fierce power. The trees rustled and rattled as a strong wind whipped around the clearing. "I said we haven't got much time. There is no point in explaining it to you, but we have to go if we want to save your friend." After a second, the wind ceased and Aerin released Hú, letting the Lupe fall to the ground and gasp for breath. "I'm sorry, but that's the way things are. Now get up and let's move."

     Hú wanted nothing more than to punch Aerin in the moment, but the Lupe knew that he was right. If Elwein was in danger, Aerin was the only one who knew how to help her. Hú nodded and slowly rose from the ground. A sharp pain ripped through the Lupe's ribs, no doubt a result of Aerin's outburst. Aerin watched silently as Hú stood up, looking almost sympathetic, but he turned without a word and began walking back down the winding trail. Hú followed closely behind, thinking of what could be happening to Elwein at this very moment.


     It felt like they'd been walking for ages, but Hú had finally learned to stop asking questions. Although the journey was taking a toll on Hú, Aerin never seemed to tire or react out of fear. Finally, the two reached a clearing. It was unlike any other part of the forest they'd encountered thus far; the moonlight beamed down through an opening in the treetops and the ground was covered in glowing moss and blooming flowers. This is... otherworldly, Hú thought.

     Aerin turned to Hú. "This is where they're keeping her. I can't promise anything, but I will try my best. They intend to keep her here with them," he stated.

     “What!?" Hú blurted out the response, forgetting Aerin's previous reaction. "Keep her?! Why would they-" The Lupe stopped short as a purple glow illuminated the clearing. Intermixed in the light were dozens of what looked like tiny b-lls of blue fire flickering in the air.

     “Don't say a word," Aerin hissed, stepping in front of Hú and shielding the Lupe from the light. "And don't look him in the eye."

     As the glow grew more and more intense, Hú couldn't quite identify the thin figure floating in front of Aerin, as it was unlike anything the Lupe had ever seen before. It felt like just laying eyes on the creature was against nature itself.

     The figure's mouth did not move, but a voice rang out like a clear bell. "So.. Aerin. For what purpose have you come to disturb me in my home?" it said flatly.

     Aerin bowed his head, kneeling to the ground. Hú did the same out of fear, quickly looking at the ground. "My sincerest apologies, Jareth." Aerin's voice had a quality that Hú had never heard from the Draik, one of absolute respect and humility. It was a stark contrast to the hot-headed, arrogant Draik that Hú had experienced previously. "I have sought an audience with you because I have a favor to ask, if you would allow it."

     The bell-voice boomed with laughter, seemingly shaking the ground beneath their feet. "A favour to ask me? My, you're a glutton for pain, Aerin." The Draik's back stiffened at these words, but the voice continued. "All in jest, brave knight," it said with an almost sarcastic tone. "What have you come to ask me?"

     Aerin stood tall, raising his chin to face the figure. "I want the girl returned to me. It's my fault she came here, not her own. She doesn't deserve this fate," he said confidently. Hú was surprised at the admission of guilt, but the surprise was overshadowed by fear. This fate? What could Aerin mean by this?

     More laughter erupted from the being as the glowing orbs swirled around the clearing excitedly. "You think that matters to me? I've been looking for a new servant after the last one perished." Hú's heart nearly stopped. Servant? Surely this thing wasn't talking about Elwein...?

     Aerin interjected, "But-"

     “SILENCE, mortal." The anger was palpable, and Hú could tell that Aerin had offended this powerful faerie. "My word is final. I have appreciated your contributions to our noble cause, but unless you have any other business to address, we're finished here."

     Without thinking, Hú shot up from the ground, glaring directly at the creature. "Wait!" The words escaped without a single thought behind them, and the Lupe quickly realized what he'd done. The creature was breathtaking, its angular features both god-like and demonic. Its eyes narrowed angrily and the wisps immediately surrounded Hú.

     “I was wondering if there was a reason Aerin brought you here," Jareth mused, clearly taking offence but not showing his hand quite yet. "He doesn't usually bring a sacrifice without my asking first."

     “I came here of my own volition. The girl you are holding hostage is my friend, Elwein." Hú's voice had a new-found confidence that seemed to come out of nowhere. The two maintained eye contact as Aerin stood speechless.

     “I do not care if the mortal is your friend. She belongs to me now," the being snarled. "And if you value your life, you will leave this place and never return." A powerful wind was beginning to pick up and the trees swayed ominously.

     “Leave it," Aerin breathed, not daring to move. "He'll destroy you in a second. We have to leave before you offend him any more."

     Without even hearing Aerin, Hú spoke once more without thinking. "What if I take her place?"

     Aerin stared at the Lupe, dumbfounded. "What are you saying? Are you stupid?"

     Hú ignored the Draik once more. "Take me instead. Let Elwein go and she can return to Meridell with Aerin."

     For once, Jareth did not laugh. "Tell me, mortal, why should I do that?"

     Although Hú did not have an answer, a response still came. "Elwein is hard-headed and stubborn. She complains about everything and refuses to follow orders. I am much more obedient."

     You bargain well, mortal.. although your display of pure arrogance and disrespect here goes against your claims." Hú flinched, realizing that Jareth was correct. "However, I will grant your request. If the girl is anything like your description, she's better off dying with the mortals. That kind of attitude doesn't last long with me."

     Before anyone had a chance to react to what was said, the dark faerie slammed his staff on the ground. A shockwave of purple magic radiated out from the staff and engulfed them all into silence.


     It was another beautiful day in Meridell as Elwein, a young Ixi, hummed to herself cheerfully as she skipped down the path to the market. She spotted a handsome knight standing outside a building and waved excitedly. "Aerin! Hey!"

     "Hey, El," he said, forcing a small smile. "How have you been? Staying out of the woods?"

     "Of course, silly! I wouldn't dare go in there again!" She giggled sheepishly. "I can't believe I got so lost that you had to come and find me! I'm such a ditz. Thank goodness you were there to save me!"

     Her charms weren't lost on Aerin, but he felt a familiar pang of guilt as he thought about that night. It had been weeks since then, but Elwein had shown no signs of remembering Hú or what actually happened with the dark faerie. He wanted so badly to tell her who the real hero had been, but he held his tongue.

     "Of course. Just don't do it again, okay?"

     The End.

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