Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,665,009 Issue: 996 | 17th day of Storing, Y25
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword betti666

Week - 986

Collecting Cabbages, a JubJub's Gallery
by betti666
Description: "Currently, in a small area on the outskirts of Brightvale (not far from the Motery), there stands a modest building, a gallery..."

Week - 988

An Inventor's Tale - Hidden Tower History
by betti666
Description: "Our story today starts many years ago, before Faerieland’s catastrophic fall from the clouds..."

Week - 996

King Skarl's Birthday and the Giant Cabbage
by betti666
Description: “King Skarl is traditionally presented with the largest cabbage in the kingdom during his birthday celebration.”

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A Birthday Adventure
arvis frowned when staring at the date. November 14th already? Where had the time gone?

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What's in the Bag?
It was year 5 in Neopia and, to celebrate the site's 4th anniversary, some Birthday Bags were launched for the first time. Collab with higs_pagodeiro

by dinha_reeves


A Birthday Suprise!
Maybe the real birthday present was the friends we made along the way. Collab with i_lovee_icecream

by truebrony


Birthday Cake and Chocolate
"Is it ethical to invite a Chocolate Pet to a birthday party?"

by stella_123_5


A Light in White River
He heard her enter the front door, and she brought the wind with her.

by hzoo_26

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