Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 197,665,009 Issue: 996 | 17th day of Storing, Y25
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword golden1188

Week - 679

The Neopian Gamer's Guide to Cheat!
by golden1188
Description: It's a simple card game that involves strategy, and just a little bit of luck.

Week - 684

Brynettia's Book Reviews, Part One
by golden1188
Description: My name is Brynettia, I'm a Baby Gelert, and my goal is to read all of the books in Neopia!

Week - 784

Yooyuball Dreams
by golden1188
Description: Marcia always lent a hand to her family at their food stall, but secretly, she wanted to be out playing Yooyuball with the best of them.

Week - 785

Yooyuball Dreams: Part Two
by golden1188
Description: When they were both ready, Marcia headed out the door and straight to the field where her friends said they would be playing during the festival.

Week - 786

Yooyuball Dreams: Part Three
by golden1188
Description: The parade had only just started for the people standing at the beginning, and the team was the final group to go through, so it would be a while before they reached the two friends. Marcia was full of nerves as she clutched her shoulder bag with Xana the Yooyu inside of it.

Week - 800

The 800th Zap
by golden1188
Description: One zap too many...

Week - 855

Brynettia's Book Reviews, Part Two
by golden1188
Description: The long awaited sequel! (The first one was back in issue 684)

Week - 994

The Price of Ambition
by golden1188
Description: "A knock at the door stirred Anerada from her sleep..."

Week - 995

The Price of Ambition
by golden1188
Description: "At midnight, a member of the guild did exactly as she expected. Gentle taps on her window made her look up with a jolt. She walked towards her window and saw a shady-looking Orange Buzz with a hood over her head with a handful of pebbles..."

Week - 996

The Price of Ambition
by golden1188
Description: The next morning, Annie was woken up by her alarm. The two feelings that she noticed from the moment she opened her eyes were anxiety and excitement.

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