Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 100,597,592 Issue: 199 | 14th day of Swimming, Y7
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Smelly Nelly

by i_hate_backstabbers

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The Resistance
Oh no, not Boochi!

by melodiq


Mr. Tanner Teaches the First Meridell War
When the class had all got their books open at the right places, Mr. Tanner took to stalking up and down the aisles of school desks, glaring with squinted eyes at his numerous nervous pupils...

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Tips for Creating (Your Own) Neopets Names
But what’s this?! You haven’t even chosen a name for your Neopet yet? And I thought you were responsible!

by kuer


Cruor Stilla: Part Six
Be patient. Zackwel had said, in his own special way, that things were going perfectly, and she trusted him...

by eikomei

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