Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 129,296,931 Issue: 201 | 29th day of Swimming, Y7
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The "Booby Prize Generator"

by plushie_patches

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Saffy's Sister
She rested her head on a pillow and opened her new book. The Kacheek felt the soft, red cover and opened it to the first page...

by sweetie_me274


Home < High Seas: Part Six
The sails nearly hurt the eyes, spun of shimmering cloth-of-gold as they were, and the heavy main lines securing the masts were laced with gold wire. For the 'Tonne wasn't just a cargo ship...

by destervetha


How to Be an Awesome Rater
Why are they getting the score they’re getting? What are they missing to get the perfect 10? What did they like about it to give it a perfect 10? They’re leaving out the details.

by oozemutt1982


Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Eight
Quaz had spent the past week showing the two different swords from all of the different cases, explaining when it was best to use them. Avalon was bored...

by cpmtiger

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