Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 129,296,931 Issue: 201 | 29th day of Swimming, Y7
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Irony Cafe

by ahm6190

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Ancient Neopia: Part Two
The monsters were nearing the city. Their claws sharpened their teeth even sharper than their claws. They growled angrily and their roars could have been heard if the people were not asleep...

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The LAZIEST Neopians!!!
Have you ever gotten a quest from the Faerie Queen? Not many Neopians have. And I can see why...

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Superficial: Part Three
When I next saw Mother, then I could tell her of Neoschool and all the fun I was having there. I stepped up my pace into a jaunty trot. Today would not be spoiled...

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Feelin' Spiffy
Hee hee... still cannot find me!

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