Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 129,296,931 Issue: 201 | 29th day of Swimming, Y7
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T3h Praedius

by arttimo

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The Swashbuckler Within: Part Four
Outside was a battlefield, and the ground was stained with citrus juice. Tigersquashes were flying like cannonballs through the air, smashing on the Pizzaroo and anything else within the area...

by mimed


Mushroom for Phila: Part Four
"You are right," the Aisha said and stood up. "You may pass. This is the way to the city of Geraptiku," he added, pointing at the path next to him...

by ssjelitegirl


The LAZIEST Neopians!!!
Have you ever gotten a quest from the Faerie Queen? Not many Neopians have. And I can see why...

by emslyacting


Sloth's Revenge
She adjusted the lens until it was fixed perfectly on the building she theorized as Sloth’s hideout. She gasped, “I knew it!”

by mystic_whisper711

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