Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 102,279,292 Issue: 202 | 5th day of Hiding, Y7
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by stormchaser42

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Battle of the Brushes
As they rounded the last turn in the tunnel, Jenny began to regret her reckless decision. But her regret shriveled away to nothing as she took in the Snowager's lair...

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A. B.O.R.N. S.I.T.C.O.M.
Ugg, not another Breadfish!

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Never Take Artifacts from Strange Faeries
On this gloomy day, on the outskirts of the gloomy woods, a faerie Lenny was making his way slowly across the very gloomiest, swampiest part of the dark forest...

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Never ever put the Meerca Chase game near the Neggsweeper game.

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