Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 104,800,928 Issue: 204 | 18th day of Hiding, Y7
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Warf Rescue Team

by wizardmoncita

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The Revenge
But the truth? It probably does stop Scarblade from attacking our beloved Maraqua further...

by peacenjoy58


Help at Kelp
She was very surprised when a Maraquan Draik drifted towards her. He was dressed in a very simple navy vest, but he had a regal air to him...

by jen4ever4ree


Wings of Gold
She was a much respected figure in Faerieland, because she had great magic powers. But, she had been wrongly accused of stealing items from the Hidden Tower...

by digital_microwave


"I'll Have the Tofu Bowl, Please."
"Look at this place! The Virtupets Space Station, huh...? An absolute atrocity; everywhere you look, there's some insipid 'Buy-Me' sign or a tourist trap... This place isn't my evil lair anymore-- It's a tourist attraction!"

by peachifruit

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