Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 104,800,928 Issue: 204 | 18th day of Hiding, Y7
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Smelly Nelly

by i_hate_backstabbers

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...and *Pop* Go the Balls!
No, not icky Zurroball or boring old Gormball, I'm talking about the *sort of* new and better game, Frumball!!! The one that might resemble Korbat's Lab to you at first, but don't fear, it's better than that as well! ;)

by krysym


Never Trust A Chicken Man: Part One
"Oh, that's easy too! Just state your name, cause, and how many minions you wish to acquire. From there, it's smooth sailing."

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by chocolateisamust


Avalon and the Emerald Noil Gem: Part Eleven
As Quaz had suspected, there was no sign of an attack by Scarback. The bustling village seemed in perfect order, and the three entered the gates...

by cpmtiger


The Horror That Lurks in Every Kitchen
It seems my Lupe's petpet has taken to writing for the Neopian Times. I didn't think Puppyblews had thumbs...

by neox52492

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