There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 90,556,056 Issue: 163 | 22nd day of Collecting, Y6
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Dont Blame Me

by choclated

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The Case of the Lying Letter: Part One
"Well, that's nice that he's having fun," said TigerWing, folding up the letter and placing it across from her. When she glanced at Cali, she noticed that Cali looked confused, "What?"

by playmobil_is_my_life


Of Lights from Within: Part Ten
"You got the box, but where do think you're going, you little runt?!" a voice suddenly roared.

by chocolateisamust


Sifting Through the Shadows
As I look back through Neopia’s past, I see one figure constantly forgotten. Yes, the one and only Battle Faerie.

by sunwillow66


Boochi, Zap Me!
I'm sure many users out here would just LOVE to have a cute little baby neopet. I confess I am one of those users. But not all of us want to spend 10 or so hours playing games.

by humanbodygirl

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