Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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The Angry King

by placid_nightmare

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by freekygal


A delightful comic about braaaiinss...

by the_kings_evil


3 Ways to Become Distinguished Enough for Kelp
But if you're still longing for some of that exotic Maraquan cuisine, then this article will help you become a distinguished patron - distinguished enough to mosey on into Kelp without any kind of reservation.

by manga_animegrl218


The Guide to Stockmarket Jargon and Terms (Part II)
For the second time, I’m about to tell you more of the terms, phrases and words to help you boost your Stockin’ speech and make you the Savvy Investor we all want to be.

by nyyankeesfan72

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