Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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by leedom111

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Serving the Sculptor
To say that Marek Alabaster was a charitable Skeith would be a lie and to say he was a nice one would be almost laughable. But he was messy; his living conditions were possibly the vilest I'd ever seen...

by twirlsncurls5


Vision Quest
When a villager of Geraptiku learned the arts of tracking, hunting, and survival, and was ready to have a voice among the worthy, he or she must prove that their knowledge was well-ingrained. And he or she must have a Vision.

by laurelinden


The importance of not being overconfident....

by kesomon


The Guide to Stockmarket Jargon and Terms (Part II)
For the second time, I’m about to tell you more of the terms, phrases and words to help you boost your Stockin’ speech and make you the Savvy Investor we all want to be.

by nyyankeesfan72

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