Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 109,523,333 Issue: 207 | 9th day of Gathering, Y7
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by wicked_dragonite

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Great stories!


The Faerie Pet: Part Two
I swam up to the palace looming above me, and swam upwards, towards the nearest seaweed-covered window. I hesitated for just a moment, and then swam through the window. I was inside...

by nut862


Before Falling Asleep...
The old classic: count babaas. One babaa, two, three, fou--Ok, you've just had a pillow shoved in your mouth by your awakened (and obviously, irritable) roommate.

by puppy200010


Silver Tears
Miss Lela pursed her lips at it. She was a highly skilled adult air faerieā€¦ and she couldn't make a storm in a jar! How did Braddah do it?

by kemppotatoe


Will You Remember Me?
He trudged through the knee-high snowdrifts, pulling his frayed and patched coat around him. Yes, it was cold, but what choice did he have?

by lightninglover34

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