Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 105,637,792 Issue: 210 | 30th day of Gathering, Y7
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Someone You'd Never Disown

by teh_luckster

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Should Neopets Be Taken Care Of?
What exactly is ‘taking care’ of your Neopets? Well, the idea itself is fairly simple. You take a few minutes out of day to feed your pets and play with them as well. This has been obviously known to increase their happiness.

by blubblub317


Advanced Guide to Magma Blaster
Don't be hesitant! Destroy rocks like you have never destroyed rocks before! Your gold trophy depends on it!

by 666daerik666


Parties and Clouds = O.O
Why you rarely see parties in Faerieland...

by plushiemon


Faux Pas
I hope, for the sake of everyone, that it isn't true.

by almostmaybe

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