Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 106,046,831 Issue: 211 | 7th day of Collecting, Y7
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by placid_nightmare

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Great stories!


Space Flight: Part Two
As Arcadia and Captain Peter settled the passengers under the rocky outcropping, eight troopers covered the entrance of their semi-cave. A few moments later, Jeran ran up, loaded with ray guns and extra ammunition, and set them down...

by plutoplus1


Portable Kilns are NOT Toys!!
Uneducated pets should not wield this powerful weapon!

by bobo36000


The Faerie Pet: Part Six
In my surprise and awe at seeing Naiyania, I had almost forgotten about the power. Where had it come from? Or had it always been in me, and I'd just never known it was there?

by nut862


Fond Memories: One "Lucky" Wheel
Not QUITE the prize I was after... x_x

by prettyprincesslady54

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