Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 106,046,831 Issue: 211 | 7th day of Collecting, Y7
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When Coconuts Go Bad...

by buddy__blankies

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Rhyme Time!
I finally got my big chance. The last school bell had just rung after my last period class, which was my writing class, and I had just recited another poem...

by kacheeklover3579


Squirrilia's Pages: Petpet Delights
Dear Diary...

by accasperberry3


Sigh. There is never anything to do all day. The sun shines very brightly on you all day. You just hang on the branch with a bad feeling with what your life could become. Someday someone will pick you off your tree and eat you in a pie...

by sammie_angel7


Soup Bowl
I know you want to try some!

by plaquenil

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