The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 106,486,787 Issue: 212 | 14th day of Collecting, Y7
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Bit Out

by meowr

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Always at Home
He had been living in the Space Station for upwards of 5 months now. He went to sleep at the midnight buzzer and woke up on the breakfast buzzer. He spent 6 hours each day serving up food to the tourists...

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How do you like my new Halloween costume?

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Walk or Swim
Faeries, unlike Neopets, do not need to be created; they just appear. Sierra was watching out for the faintest sound or sign and pricked up her pointed ears, waiting expectantly...

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The Jackals of Sakhmet - Kasha's Plot: Part Three
"Quick, hide!" Lee whispered fiercely, tugging on Omar's robes and pulling him behind the closest shelf. The two of them hastily disguised themselves in the shadows of the towering shelves...

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