Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 151,901,457 Issue: 213 | 20th day of Collecting, Y7
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In the Desert

by lauren_nina613

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Apple for the Teacher
A treat within a treat if your teacher's a Lenny.

Art by x_b0b0_x

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Ask the Experts
Me: So, Brucey! You’re the one who found the Lost Desert, right?

by androidvidel


'A' for Effort!
Sure thing!!

Also by effinluna

by mao_mau


Define Happiness: a (Possible) History
"Faerie, why do you not smile?" a curious blue Kacheek once asked quietly, staring up at Baelia with intense black eyes. "You are the most beautiful in all of Neopia, surely you are happy."

by spaiirow

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