Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 151,901,457 Issue: 213 | 20th day of Collecting, Y7
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Unnecessary Nonsense

by nightychao172

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Searching for a Miracle
"Raono, what's the verdict?" A pink Kougra stopped pacing the room and rushed over to where the doctor stood...

by sparkly_fairy_dust


A Spooky Halloween, Part 3
"The Uninvited Guest"

by ghostkomorichu


The Jackals of Sakhmet - Kasha's Plot: Part Four
We must go back into the past, so you can see why Kasha is who she is today...

by arrielle5


I Dare You
"Oh, come on, Polly," she sighed, watching the devastated expression on her friend's face. "I'm only asking you to do it onceā€¦"

by candykitty

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