There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 107,594,495 Issue: 215 | 4th day of Storing, Y7
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Feed Florg!

by patjade

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Great stories!


Kip Vision
Once the breakfast platters had been thoroughly rinsed, she picked up her completed lab map and said, "C'mon Dale! Let's go!"

by erileen


The Truth About Our Refillable Friends
Some of the pens want to help us and be our friend while all the others want is revenge against the pencils.

by tigerfanatic33


oYu giFrue tI utO
We get these a lot...

Art by fetedieu

by seadra_princess


da l00p comeek
lyk omg!! dis comik is teh pwn!!1

Also by linzee27

by cherv1

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