Sword upon Sword - a Variation of the War: Part Two by little_hamsters365
Before Jagg could scream and give away his position, he
realized it was a guard from the Citadel. Sighing with relief, he told the guard
he had managed to steal three pieces of paper for Kass. They might contain valuable
information. Silently, the two dashed back to the Citadel.
Brought into Kass's chambers, Jagg handed the
papers to his master. "M'lord, I managed to grab these before being discovered."
"Excellent, spy. Dismissed. I would like to see
what Skarl's papers have to say." So Lord Kass began to read…
The attack will be launched soon. Once we have
completed the troops with the help of Darigan-
"Darigan!" Kass hissed. "How dare he. This must
be a journal entry." The Eyrie continued to read.
-we shall be all but unstoppable. We have been
provided with weapons he used to have in his armory when the Citadel was his.
We have signed a peace treaty, he and I. The former Lord Darigan agrees to aid
me in Kass's downfall if I agree to return and restore his Citadel.
Kass scowled and looked at the next page.
While Kass is holed up in his little Citadel,
we are free in our own land. The farmers can provide us with all the food we
Lord Kass reread the second sentence. "Hmm, the
farmers… I could easily destroy their crops…"
A weaponry has also been established in the lower
level of the castle. I fear that we must fight soon. I can sense Kass getting
restless. Alas, just recently we struck a gold mine! My Lupe spy has uncovered
the war plans of our enemy. We can ambush them when they're preparing. Kass
has stationed more guards now. I feel a fight soon.
Kass snorted and took a look at the next page.
My fears are proven correct. Recently, my best
spy has been captured and imprisoned by Kass. We plan to attack soon to free
him. Troops are being sent-
Apparently he didn't get to finish, but Kass
knew the basics and what to do about them. "Spy!" he called. The Kacheek rushed
in and bowed.
"Yes, M'lord?"
"You have fetched me Skarl's writing and have
aided me a great deal! See, they're relying on their crops. All we must do is
destroy them." Bit by bit he told Jagg about Darigan and the treaty. The Kacheek
was surprised Darigan was actually alive.
Peering down at the skirmish, the Kacheek could
see the forces of Meridell gradually retreating. Weakened Meridellian warriors
were carried to the prison. Kass's forces were being aided by their spellcasters
on the battlefield. Finally overpowered, Meridell's warriors retreated into
the castle.
* * *
Kass was thinking about what his next move should
be. "Spy," he called to Jagg. "Would it not be brilliant if we could send over
one of our loyal warriors to pose as a Meridellian? They could spy on that oaf
Skarl and figure out plans and all matter of things!"
Jagg nodded in approval. Then he asked the question:
"Why," Kass said, "you could be the undercover
spy! It would be brilliant - I mean, you're my top spy, why couldn't-"
"But…they know who I am. They saw me running
to the castle…"
Kass bit his lip. "They did, eh? Well, then…I
shall summon one of my particularly good imposters. I believe I shall choose
Marin. She's a green Aisha, if you didn't know, and she will be one of the best
choices for this job."
* * *
Back in Meridell, Darigan sat with Skarl in the
king's study.
"So," Darigan said, "How goes the fight?"
"We had to retreat today, but do not fret, my
"I will lead the troops," Darigan decided, "at
least some of them, behind the Citadel. We must attack Kass directly. I know
most of his minions do not wish to work for him. Anyway, we shall scale the
wall or just fly up and we will be in Kass's chambers." He pointed to a spot
on the map of his old Citadel. "Then, send most of the troops into different
parts of the Citadel to find minions who willingly work for Kass. We can imprison
them if you would like, Skarl."
"Hmm…" Skarl mused. "Imprison them in their own
dungeon. And rescue my best spy, the Lupe. He's probably locked up somewhere."
"Right," Darigan continued, "So once we have
his evil minions under control and we have gotten rid of Kass, we'll take the
Neopets that were forced to serve him back to Meridell, or you can let them
stay with me once I restore my home. But Kass won't be easy to defeat. Do not
underestimate him. Anyway, assemble your best warriors. I want them to be quiet,
agile, and skilled with a blade."
* * *
Meanwhile, Kass was putting his imposter plan
into action. Marin, the Aisha, accepted his offer of letting her go into Meridell
as a spy. Of course, she would need a disguise of some sort.
Marin was dressed in basic Meridellian clothing,
a simple blouse and a plain-looking maroon dress. She stood before Kass, hoping
for his approval. "So, do I look like I'm from Meridell?"
"Indeed. Excellently done. I believe we can send
you over to Meridell now."
Marin grinned. "Well, I guess it's time to begin
my spying." The Aisha jumped silently from the Citadel. She landed without a
sound. Saluting to Kass, she ran towards the castle, blending in easily with
the everyday Meridellian citizens.
She walked briskly from the Citadel, camouflaged
by the chaotic battlefield; warriors were wounded and being carried to the infirmary,
regular citizens tried to help wherever they could, and the minions of Kass
walking back to the Citadel, sneering at the small Meridellian army they had
defeated. Just the kind of cover Marin needed. Weaving her way between the crowd,
she set off to do her job.
* * *
Standing before Darigan was a large assortment
of Neopets that were willing to assist him with his plan. Some were chosen for
their size, or their skill in combat. Others were picked for their agility,
their strength, or their experience in battle.
There were the traditional Draik guards along
with any number of other species. Unis, Techos, Kacheeks, Shoyrus, Eyries, Lupes,
and countless others. Eager to rid the world of Lord Kass, they set off at dusk.
Upon reaching the Citadel, the band of warriors
paused. "Go around to the back of the Citadel," Darigan told them. "Through
the woods, and make sure nobody sees you."
A few minutes later, they were standing behind
the Citadel. Darigan was a skilled leader, and he knew exactly what to do. "Quickly!
Those who have wings can fly through that open window. The others can use their
swords and claws to climb up. Hurry, we need to use our time wisely. Get in,
get Kass, get out. That's the plan. Alright? Let's go."
Silently, the group of warriors from Meridell
scaled the wall of the Citadel. Once they were all at the top, they discovered
that Kass wasn't in his chambers. Instead there was a small yellow Kacheek sitting
at a desk, scribbling something on a piece of paper every so often. Unnoticed
by the Kacheek, the Meridellians grabbed him and pinned him to the ground. When
he saw former Lord Darigan, he gasped.
"Lord…Darigan…I will remain under the faithful
command of Kass! Get your minions away from me!" Jagg spat.
"Well, then. Your choice," Darigan replied. "Char,
Penn!" Dressed in Meridellian armor and armed with swords and spears, two orange
Draiks seized him. "The dungeon stairs are out in the hall. Put him in any cell,
but we've got to act quickly and find Kass."
They continued on through the castle, capturing
evil Kass minions and throwing them in the dungeon temporarily. Taking them
down one by one was easy, since they each patrolled their own stairway or corridor.
The ones they found that were not willingly serving Kass and were being used
as slaves were chained up. Slowly their forces grew from the Neopets and their
newfound freedom.
Since they had split up, Darigan set out on his
own with only a few Neopets at his heels. He wanted to take down Lord Kass alone,
but incase they were confronted by minions, they insisted that they should come
Darigan knew the Citadel best, so he led them
around telling them where everything was. Incase they had an emergency they
could hide in the spaces Darigan said would be empty, and avoid heavily populated
rooms. All the while, Darigan was alert and ready for an ambush. 'Where could
Kass be?' he wondered to himself.
Passing by the front window, Darigan saw Meridellian
forces charging at the Citadel. When he saw minions of Kass attacking back,
his hopes sank. Not all of the minions had been captured. In fact, hardly any
were imprisoned in the cells below. He clutched his sword and listened to the
noises of battle going on outside.
Meridellian warriors rushed into the Citadel
defenders. Locked in combat immediately, each army was equally matched. An arrow
whizzed through the air and a Kass warrior fell from the Citadel. One Meridellian
was sent flying backwards with a powerful spell from Kass's side. Swords met
with the angry sound of metal on metal and paw-to-paw combat was a popular fighting
technique in the battle.
Darigan just happened to look by the forest.
He saw a peculiar green Aisha with Meridellian clothes walking through Meridell
hastily. She didn't look like she was from Meridell. Suddenly, Darigan realized
that Kass must have sent this imposter. "Furnum!" he called hurriedly. A brown
Uni stepped forward.
"Aye? What is it, Chief?" the Uni responded.
Darigan could tell Furnum was eagerly awaiting his orders.
"See that Aisha? The green one, right there.
Running through the woods." He pointed her out. "She's an imposter! Hurry, fly
to Skarl and tell him she's going inside the castle! Quickly!"
Furnum took off, soaring over the battle and
catching up to the Aisha, who was on foot. Trying to be unnoticed, Furnum stayed
high overhead the imposter. Beating her to the castle, the Uni soared to Skarl's
study. He wasn't there. The Uni ran to his chambers - no king. Finally, he checked
the royal kitchen and found Skarl. Furnum hurriedly explained the situation.
The king called upon guards, who immediately
captured Marin. She was irritated. "M'lord, you have lied to me!" she hissed
angrily to herself. Kass had told her the plan would work, but now, sitting
in her new prison cell, she could only feel hatred for him.
* * *
Back at the Citadel, Darigan saw Furnum beat
the strange Aisha to the castle. Then he focused on what had to be done. Looking
out onto the balcony, standing and watching his minions launching arrows on
fire, was Lord Kass.
To be continued...