Halloween Happenings by kacheeklover3579
"What do you think of this one?" Kallie the Kacheek asked
her sisters. She held a mask of Count Von Roo up to her face and draped a black
cape around herself.
"That's awesome," Kassandra answered, laughing.
Karen said nothing.
"Hey, Karen, what do you think?" Kallie called
to Karen.
"I think this whole thing is pathetic," answered
"What? Why?" said Kassandra.
"Halloween. The whole idea of it. I mean, dressing
up like someone else to get candy? How lame. Candy is bad for you, anyway."
"Oh, come on, Karen, where's your Halloween spirit?"
Kallie responded. "It's fun. And you know you love candy. Besides, it only comes
once a year; make the best of it."
"Yeah, and there's lots of stuff to do!" said
Kassandra. She began to sing: "Masquerades, costume parades, candies to earn
and cool stuff to be done! Creepy thrills and spooky chills, Dress up, come
on, and let's go have some fun!"
"What's so great about that? Costumes and stuff?"
argued Karen. "Everyone always tries to be something they're not. How is Halloween
any different?"
The two other sisters thought for a moment.
Finally, Kallie said, "Whatever you say. Kassy and I are going out trick-or-treating
tonight. If you don't want to come, it's your loss."
As soon as night fell, Kallie and Kassandra
were all ready to go. Kallie was clad in a purple and green wig, fake wings,
and a dress like Jhudora. Kassandra had decided on Captain Scarblade: she held
a plastic sword, had a patch over one eye, and wore a hat with a skull and crossbones
on it. Each also brought with them a pumpkin-shaped bucket in which to store
the loads of candy they'd get today. They stood at the door with their owner,
prepared to leave.
"Are you sure you don't want to come with us?"
their owner asked Karen.
"Yeah, please? It'll be real fun!" Kallie added.
"No, that's ok," Karen answered.
"Ok… Then will you be fine on your own here?"
"Yes, Mum, I'll be fine," Karen answered, sounding
a little annoyed.
"All right. Bye then, Karen! Take care!"
"Yeah…" said Karen as they shut the door behind
them. "Whatever." After her sisters and owner had left, she looked around in
the empty NeoHome. She saw the black and orange Halloween decorations all around
her, the fancy jack-o-lanterns intricately carved to look like the Brain Tree,
the Pant Devil, anything you could imagine.
She wondered why anyone would go through all
that trouble for such a stupid holiday. It's not like they were even that scary
A loud howl cut off her thoughts. "Who's there?"
she whispered to no one in particular. The Ghost Lupe? she thought. Balthazar?
A high-pitched scream followed closely after the howl. She looked around,
and saw no one.
Okay, maybe it is scary, she decided.
But it's still dumb.
Meanwhile, Kassandra and Kallie were having a
great time trick-or-treating. So far they had acquired nearly 50 candies: Eye
Candy (which they really weren't going to eat…), some lollies, lots of candy
corn, candy peas, and even a few Neggs. They were going to have a major party
when they got back home!
It's just too bad, thought Kallie, that
Karen couldn't be a part of it…
Back at the house, Karen was still hearing those
eerie noises…
She went to the door to see if there was anyone
there. She opened the door just a bit and peered through. Sure enough, there
was someone there making the noises. They weren't eerie noises, they were Eyrie
A young Eyrie in a Lord Kass costume stood there
laughing as she completely opened the door. "Did I scare ya?" the little Eyrie
asked. "Did I? Huh?"
"No," lied Karen. "Now leave. What are you doing
here making those annoying noises on my doorstep?" she said angrily.
"I came here to trick-or-treat, of course!" said
the Eyrie, holding out his trick-or-treat bag. "Trick-or-treat!"
"Listen, kid, this house doesn't give out candy.
Now beat it."
"Aw, come on, I know you have something in there.
Where's your Halloween spirit?"
Karen rolled her eyes at the Eyrie, remembering
her sister's same words. She thought about how maybe she should have gone with
her sisters and owner; that way she wouldn't have had to deal with this irritating
little boy.
"Fine," she said, heading to the kitchen to get
some chocolate from the pantry. She made her way back to the door and dropped
the candy into his bucket. "There. You happy?"
"Yeah, I'm happy," answered the Eyrie matter-of-factly.
"Why are you so grumpy anyway?"
"I'm not grumpy," said Karen.
"Are too," argued the Eyrie.
"Am not," insisted Karen.
"Are too!"
Karen was getting mad now. She slammed the door
in the Eyrie's face. She opened it again a few seconds later, yelled, "Am not!"
and then closed it once more; just to get the last word. Then she sat down on
a couch near the door and thought about what a long night it was going to be.
"Are too!" Karen heard the shout from outside
and sighed.
Kallie, Kassandra, and their owner were about
ready to head home after a long night of trick-or-treating. Their buckets were
filled to the brim with yummy sweets and they couldn't wait to eat it all.
"So, how many are you going to eat tonight?"
Kallie asked Kassandra. "I'm going to eat the whole thing!"
"But Kallie, Mum said we could only have a few
tonight and save the rest for later," said Kassandra.
"Oh yeah…" answered Kallie sadly.
Suddenly an evil grin crossed her face. "She
never really said how many a few was, did she?"
"I guess not!" said Kassandra, giggling.
Finally the trick-or-treaters arrived back at
home. Their owner rang the doorbell and waited for Karen to answer it.
"Go away," said a voice from inside.
"It's just us, Karen," called Kassandra. "Open
Karen got up and opened the door, groaning.
"Wow, Karen, that was so fun! You really missed
out on some cool trick-or-treating! Look at all the stuff we got!" Kallie showed
her one of the full buckets of candy.
"Wasn't it scary, out there in the dark, with
all those creepy things?" asked Karen.
"Yeah, sorta, said Kassandra. "But that was the
fun part!"
"Ugh, not for me," said Karen. "These darn trick-or-treaters
seem to like the trick part better than the treats. In the past few hours I've
been spooked by a fake Spyder, scared by a skeleton, and creeped out by countless
freaky noises. And all the candy in the house is gone, given away to those bothersome
kids. Halloween is horrible."
Her sisters laughed.
"Sometimes it's good to get scared, though,"
said Kallie. That's what Halloween is about."
"Yeah, and plus, wouldn't it be fun if you were
the one who got to do the tricking?" Kassandra added.
Karen laughed. "Yeah, it would be!"
There was a pause. Finally Karen said, "Hey,
would it be okay if I went trick-or-treating with you guys next year?"
Her sisters smiled. "Sure!"
Their owner was still standing there. She said,
"Hey, Karen, do you have a costume?"
Karen frowned. "No, I'd never even thought about
"Well, let's go get you one then!"
"What for? This year's Halloween's already over,"
said Karen. "I have until next year to decide."
"There's still an hour or so left. I think we
can make time for a little more trick-or-treating." Their owner smiled.
"Really? Thanks, Mum!" Karen hugged her owner.
They all went upstairs and dug through the costume
box to find something for Karen to wear.
Her sisters and owner waited downstairs while
Karen put on her costume.
"What's taking her so long?" Kallie wondered
Suddenly a paw tapped Kallie on the shoulder.
Kallie let out a little yelp and jumped. "Hey!"
She turned around to see Karen in a Vira Halloween
costume, laughing. "I thought you said it was good to be scared!"
Kallie giggled. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go!"
So they all went out the door, candy buckets
in hand, to go trick-or-treating for just a little while longer.
Somewhere a Lupe howled at the full Kreludan
moon, and somewhere the Shadow Usul slipped along a dark wall. But Kallie and
her sisters weren't scared as long as they were with each other.
The End