The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 155,374,082 Issue: 216 | 11th day of Storing, Y7
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It's Raining Mortogs!!

by lydiatjfly

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How very helpful...

by 5tnt


Whack-a-Kass - a History
Whack-A-Kass is a game enjoyed by millions of young neopets around Neopia. The home of what is turning into a hugely popular sport is, naturally Meridell.

by nattieneos


Izalena's Book
Once there was a big giant humpleblaster named Big Giant Humpleblaster. He liked to stomp around and blow up neopets...

by shoshana888


You Can't Hit What You Can't See!
After a couple of days of Invisible Ixiness, I'm beginning to see the positives of pets that can't be seen. I've seen so many positives, actually, that I've compiled a short list.

by haimoku

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