Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 109,226,905 Issue: 218 | 2nd day of Celebrating, Y7
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by lachtaube

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Kayla, the owner, smiled. "Don't be afraid, Raine. Rain isn't something bad. People say that it is refreshing and sweet..."

by shadowcristal


A Ghost Whacker's How-To
In this game, somebody's dearly beloved Petpet's ghost pops out of the ground, and you whack it with a headstone.

by _snuffles


The Amber Coral Gem
Ribbon gazed at the artifact a few feet away, wondering. It was a funny looking thing, but very pretty and very shiny...

by jamice_muff_muff


The Ultimate Guide to Usuki Frenzy-ing
There are three important factors that will contribute to your overall score: time, memory, and luck.

by mixboy91

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