Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 155,374,162 Issue: 219 | 9th day of Celebrating, Y7
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Beating Punchbag Bob
All day pets beat him up for trophies. Bob doesn't fight back; he's just a limp lump of cloth. But the catch is that his hit points are high...

by hts30


Stuck in the Lost Desert
Don't worry ya'self 'bout it, lassie.

by spotthechelsey


Interview with the Pant Devil
The Pant Devil, a villain widely known for his evil greed, theft, and treachery, has always been feared by many.

Also by 3dcourtney12044

by crazy_monkey_luver_3


Café a la Faeries: a Restaurant of Beauty
Past Fyora Lane, in Downtown Faerie City, Faerieland, in the middle of Broadwing Street, there is a restaurant dedicated to Faerieland’s gorgeous cuisine.

by gustking15

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