Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 111,611,307 Issue: 221 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y7
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Evil Toys Can Hurt...

by cowzorz

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Hubrid's Attempted Hero Heist: Part Five
Jeran glared at him; he would walk all night for Lisha's sake, if he were alone... but it probably wouldn't be the world's best idea, and they did have a child with them...

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by ikkin_with_attitude


12 Pains of Christmas
Waiting in lines is one of the biggest pains. You get a present, then you must wait in a 10 hour line. When it’s finally your turn, the store closes! Man!

by brymax406


'Tis the Season
Let me make it up to you.

by buddy__blankies


Pressing Your Luck with Black Pawkeet Slots
Sure, you can pay the bills for your neohome, buy food for your pets, and maybe even buy some codestones to train them. But your measly savings are hardly enough for that paint brush you've always wanted.

by tessd1891

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