Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 111,625,219 Issue: 222 | 6th day of Sleeping, Y8
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by cherv1

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Ghost Story
"And then the Ghost Lupe came..."

by lauren_nina613


Dreams of a Young Battledomer
And then she thrashed at the punching bag again. She was determined to be a Battledome champion - she wanted to hold that shining trophy that was so grandly presented to the champion. She wanted all of Neopia to remember her name...

by mycatdog


Scroll Searching
Lost Desert Plot players will sympathize. :P

by beangris


Vispian's First Friend
Her "charm" was a reject Cybunny toy, which kind of symbolized herself. Vispian was a Cybunny, and she was pretty much a reject...

by mygoodguild

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