The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 111,625,219 Issue: 222 | 6th day of Sleeping, Y8
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The Uggah Uggah

by mandy_raz

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What happened to the prizes?

by catsurii


Shadowchild: Part Eight
I knew what I had to do. The Storm had to have some way of breaking through the Roads' disarray. Striving to concentrate, I beckoned the Storm...

by sara_mossflower


Magax: What I've Learned From the Destroyer
At the beginning of each level, try leaving the green energy orbs until you get closer to the end. Each one recovers damage equal to one hit from the enemy ghosts as well as adding five points to your score.

by ginnyw143


Head in the Clouds
Do not pull.

by candykitty

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