Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 90,555,988 Issue: 164 | 29th day of Collecting, Y6
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by jupeboxgal

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A Peace that Would Last One Thousand Years?: Part Six
"Still seems strange, helping you," Kass said. "But I would join with Jhudora herself if it meant taking down The Three...not to say you're like Jhudora..." he added quickly.

by ikkin_with_attitude


The Case of the Lying Letter: Part Two
I was just about to remind the Neopet that the wild variety of my species ate the wild variety of her species for lunch when I recognized that the fire Wocky opposite her wasn't staring at me in disgust, but hope.

by playmobil_is_my_life


Bucky the Babaa's Halloween Special
You heard me!

by simsman24000


Of Potions and Power
Aangharad had originally shied away from the solution. She was always wary of potions, ever since the incident with Them. But she read, and researched, and all she could find was the potion solution.

by jade_steel

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