The Search for Petpet World: Part Six by darkfaerie700
Today the three of them would be going back to Mystery Island
to get the last scroll. As usual, the three of them woke up, hopped into the buggy
and flew off to Mystery Island. After a while they reached Mystery Island and
they saw the Wise one, the Whoot. The Wise One greeted them and they went to the
Wise One's hut.
"So you ready for the last scroll?" asked the
Wise One. Jobo and the others nodded. "Okay, here you go," said the Whoot giving
them the last scroll. Jobo thanked the Wise One and the Whoot wished them good
luck. Jobo waved goodbye and they all jumped into the buggy.
"Well open it already!" cried Okley. Jobo opened
the scroll. It said:
"Well finally a scroll with out letters by themselves!"
exclaimed Okley.
Jobo laughed and said, "Okay enough joking!
So if we want to find the Petpet world then we have to go to NW."
"But where is NW? Maybe we can use the map,"
said Ted. Jobo nodded. He took it out and looked at it closely. After a while
he said:
"NW is probably . . . . . here," said Jobo pointing
to Kreludor.
"Kreludor?" asked Ted. "Isnt Kreludor in outer
space?" Jobo nodded.
"All we have to do is fly up there. I find it
will be very easy with this gear," said Jobo reaching to the back of the buggy
pulling out some space gear. "I just found this at the back," said Jobo.
"WOW!" exclaimed Okley. "Space suits, air tanks
and everything!" Jobo nodded.
"So lets head off to Kreludor!" exclaimed Jobo.
* * *
All of them had reached Kreludor and had put
on their space suits.
"So where are we going to find this "statue"?"
asked Okley.
"We just have to look around until we find it,"
replied Jobo. Okley nodded and they all went to look for the statue. Few minutes
past and they still had not found the statue.
"This is hard!" panted Okley.
"I know. But we will just have to keep on looking,"
said Jobo. As he said this Jobo accidentally dropped the scroll that led them
the Petpet world!
"NOOOOOO!" cried Jobo. The scroll landed in a
puddle of water. "Come on! Give me a break!" he said picking the scroll up shaking
it dry. Suddenly something caught his eye. The NW on the scroll had peeled off.
In its place were two letters. They were SE.
"Guys come look at this!" cried Jobo in amazement.
The two of them went over to Jobo. "Look at this," said Jobo pointing to the
letters SE. "This means that we went the wrong way! Instead of going SE we went
"So then this means that the statue is in another
place?" asked Okley. Jobo nodded. "Thats why we could not find the statue here.
Wait, if we are not in the correct place then where is the right place?" asked
Okley. Jobo shrugged and pulled out the map.
"I do not know where the statue is! I have an
idea! I know something that can tell us where the statue is! All we have to
do is go to Terror Mountain. Are you with me?" asked Jobo. Okley and Ted nodded.
So lets head on off to Terror Mountain!
The three of them reached Terror Mountain within
several minutes without many difficulties.
"Okay, anyone here have any sugar?" Jobo asked.
Ted looked at him suspiciously and handed him a bit of sugar. "Great! Now, all
we have to do is lure the Snowager-"
"Ha! I knew it! I knew it! You want to lure the
Snowager out so you can put him in a trance. Then you will ask him where the
statue is. Then he will give you something and then you will be satisfied. Am
I correct?" asked Ted. Jobo just looked at him in amazement.
"How did you know that?" asked Jobo. Ted just
smiled and said:
"Its my little secret!" Ted laughed at Jobo's
astonishment. "So are we putting the plan in action or what?" asked Ted.
"Alright!" cheered Jobo. They drove off to the
Snowagers lair ready and prepared.
When they reached the Snowagers lair Jobo took
a deep breath, took a step to the lair and spread the sugar out in front of
the lair. Jobo quickly ran back to the buggy. Then the menacing looking Snowager
slid out from lair and looked directly and Jobo. All of them could feel the
Snowagers cold breath, breathing on them. Jobo took a deep breath and said:
"Great Snowager, we have come for your great
intelligence. We all want to know where the great statue for the Petpet world
is. Please could you give us something that could help us find this great statue?"
said Jobo. They felt again a cold breath of the Snowager. Then they heard a
great menacing voice saying:
"Brave Petpets. Come to my lair when I was awake.
It does not matter anyway. I of course can give you something that can lead
you to the great statue. But of course why should I give it to you when I have
nothing in return?" the Snowager asked in a booming voice.
"Well we could give you something. We could give
you a half of a ruby?" said Jobo. The Snowager thought about it and agreed.
He went back to his lair and got an amulet that would lead the three of them
to the great statue.
"Here you go," said the Snowager loudly. "Now
where is my ruby?" Jobo quickly took the ruby and broke in half.
"Here you go!" Jobo happily handing the Snowager
the ruby and receiving a magic amulet. Jobo and the others bowed and drove off.
The Snowager slunk back inside his lair.
"That was great!" said Okley to Jobo. Jobo blushed
and thanked Okley.
"Now how does this amulet work?" asked Jobo.
"All you do is hold it up in the air let the
sun shine on it and then put it on the ground. Then it will turn in the direction
the statue is. But of course you have to say loudly and clearly what you are
looking for," said Ted. Okley and Jobo stared at him in amazement.
"You know, you always amaze me," said Jobo patting
Ted on the back. "Let's go!"
Jobo held the amulet high in the sky and let
the sun shine on it for 5 seconds. Then he put it on the ground. It spun wildly
in circles and then stopped, with one side pointing to the Snowagers lair and
the other pointing towards the direction of the buggy.
"I think we have to jump in the buggy and drive
toward Happy Valley," said Jobo.
"Yeah I agree," said Okely. Ted also agreed by
nodding his head. So they all jumped in the car and Jobo drove them to where
the amulet was pointing. They kept on following the amulet when the amulet started
to spin wildly. Jobo screeched the buggy to a stop.
"I think we are going the wrong way," said Jobo.
Jobo took the amulet and held up to the sun. Then he put the amulet in his hands.
The amulet spun around and around and finally it stopped. It pointed in a different
direction. Jobo started the car again and went the direction the amulet was
pointing. Jobo followed this procedure for about half an hour when Jobo realized
the amulet was pointing towards Mystery Island.
"Why do you think the amulet is bringing us back
to Mystery Island?" asked Jobo.
"Maybe the statue is somewhere in the Wise One's
hut!" cried Okley.
"Nah! We would have seen it when we were there!,"
said Jobo. "Oh well. We might as well just follow where the amulet tells us
to go," said Jobo. When they had reached Mystery Island, (as Jobo predicted)
the amulet kept on going. But, instead of leading them to the Wise Ones hut,
(as Okley predicted would happen) the amulet led them to the volcano.
"I wonder why the amulet brought us here," said
Okley. Ted rolled his eyes and said:
"Duh! The Techo that was carved on the volcano
is the statue! So just to check if I am right, Jobo could you do that little
thing with the amulet?" asked Ted. Jobo nodded and he lifted the amulet high
in the sky then put it on the ground. It spun round and round and then stopped,
and it was pointing to the volcano. "So I am right," said Ted. "So now all we
have to do is find out what the big circle means," he said. They all thought
for a few minutes and then it hit Jobo.
"I have got it! The big circle is the Techo's
mouth!" Jobo cried. Ted nodded. "So all we have to do is climb up there and
knock inside of the Techos mouth," said Jobo.
"But how are we going to get up there?" asked
Ted. Jobo glanced at some vines and then looked at Okley and Ted. Then they
all smiled and charged to get some vines.
The three of them had tied some vines to the
top of the Techo and tied some of the vine to them. "Ready?" asked Ted to everyone.
They all nodded. "Go!" said Ted. The three of them started to climb the volcano
all of them determined to get to the top. They were all half way to the Techos
mouth when- SNAP! A bit of the Ted's vine snapped.
"Whoa!" said Ted swinging his hands round and
"Ted, you okay?" asked Jobo. Ted nodded. "I think
it is too risky. We have to go down!" shouted Jobo to Ted. Ted thought for a
moment. SNAP! Another part of Ted's vine snapped.
"I will go back down now!" said Ted uneasily.
Jobo nodded and said to Okley:
"We will have to go down now! Ted's vine is snapping
and I don't think that we can come back!" Jobo shouted. Okley nodded. They all
lowered down back to the ground, and luckily for Ted, he lowered right to the
ground before the vine snapped.
"Ouch, that hurt. Oh well. Hey Jobo, do you have
another idea? Because I do not," said Ted. Jobo shook his head.
"Oh, oh I have an idea! We can do this: All we
have to get is one strong plank of wood, and two rocks. One big sized rock and
one medium sized rock. Can you find all that for me?" asked Okley.
"If we worked together we probably can find all
of that!" said Jobo.
"Then lets get started!" cried Okley. They all
split up in the jungle, but not too far away from the Techos head. After a while
they came back, with Ted holding a medium sized rock, Okley holding a plank
of wood, and Jobo in the buggy with a big sized rock.
"Now, Jobo, put the big rock on the ground right
here," said Okley. Jobo nodded and rolled the rock with some help from Ted to
the place Okley had said to put it. "Good," said Okley. "Now I put this plank
of wood over top of the big rock-"
"I know what you're doing!" exclaimed Ted. "And
its a good plan! What you are doing is simple. You are making a seesaw. Then
one Petpet stands on one side of the seesaw when someone drops it from high.
Wait how is that going to work? Nothing can lift the rock high enough so it
can bounce one of us to the Techo's head. What can we do?"
They all thought about it, when suddenly Jobo
had a plan.
"I have got it! Remember that creature when we
were trying to get the diamond? Well, he gave us the whistle and said that if
anything happened and they needed help, we would just blow on the whistle. So
I am going to blow on the whistle for help," said Jobo. He went to the buggy
and looked for the whistle. Finally, he found the whistle and blew.
It went like that and they all had to cover their ears. After a few minutes,
a big creature soared over their heads and landed right next to the volcano.
"Hello! I heard someone needed some help!" said
the creature. Jobo nodded.
"We need you to take that rock and take all the
way up there," said Jobo pointing to the top of the Techo's head. The creature
took the rock to where Jobo had pointed to. Jobo looked through the buggy and
found some rope. He stood on a half of the seesaw and said:
"Now, drop the rock carefully on the other half
of the seesaw!" yelled Jobo. The creature nodded and dropped the rock on the
other half of the seesaw. Jobo flew into the air and then went SMACK on the
top of the Techos head.
"Ouch," muttered Jobo. He stood up and lowered
himself to the mouth of the Techo and lowered the rope to the ground. "You guys,
hold on to the rope and I will pull you up!" yelled Jobo. The two nodded and
held on. The creature helped Jobo. Finally they got up and Ted said:
"So now where is the opening to the Petpet World?"
"Right heresssss," said a voice. At the back
of the mouth, a window opened and Wadjet eyes filled the window. "Welcome vissssitorssss,"
said the Wadjet. "Now where isssss your gemssss?" Jobo ran to the Wadjet and
gave her the bag of gems. "Goodssssss. Now who isssssssss coming to the Petpet
worldssssss?" Jobo pointed at Ted and Okley. The Wadjet nodded. "You maysssss
come inssssssss," she hissed. She opened up a door and the three of them walked
in. Suddenly, Jobo stopped.
"What about you?" he asked the creature. "If
you are going away then take my buggy with you. I will not use it anymore."
The creature smiled and flew away saying their good-byes. Jobo smiled and then
with his two friends, he entered the fantastic Petpet world.
The End