For an easier life Circulation: 90,555,988 Issue: 164 | 29th day of Collecting, Y6
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Pumpkin Patch Panic

by comedian872001

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65 Reasons: Why Sloth ISN'T Evil
Yes, I do think that he really IS evil...

by meridell_army_dude


75 Ways To Get Rid Of That Tombola Junk
Every day we go to the Tombola man hoping for a faerie or codestone, but all we get is sand or a rock. Don’t worry, Jen (me) will help!

by oceanwoman2000


The Neopian Watcher: Part One
"Nothing. I just thought I saw something outside. That's all."

by beau_lis


The Price You Pay
"I mean, your lyrics aren't going to work. People don't want to listen to this."

by lemonkitty13

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