Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 111,981,549 Issue: 223 | 13th day of Sleeping, Y8
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Raise a Paw

by buddylovegal

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How Did Sid Get Here?
Ever wondered why you can't get the Sid Avatar?

by lovy_lisa


The Pirate Writer: Part Six
"Captain!" a few of the pirates yelled. "There's a leak in the ship. What shall we do?"

by czenko28


One Neopian's Disaster, Another Neopian's Adventure
Always leave your eyes open while sledding.

by yathenamesraven


A Hero's Journey: Part Two
For one, Reuben grew out of being a page and entered squire-hood; on the other hand, his younger brother Rohane was now being introduced to the basics of knighthood and the page's code...

by precious_katuch14

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