An Interview With a Snow Pet by eternalapple
TERROR MOUNTAIN - I was brushing my teeth with a pink deluxe tooth brush when
I started wondering about snow pets. What they eat, where they live, pros and
cons about being snow, and how they survive the hot summer. All these questions
popped into my mind. So that night, I packed my bag with hot dogs, some sheets
of paper, and a pen, getting ready for my first journey as a reporter.
Wait... I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Apple and I just became a reporter.
Now I'll go on with my story.
The next morning, I set off on my journey to Terror Mountain where it's winter
all year long. I've predicted that many snow pets live there.
After I arrived, I walked for 2 whole hours, carrying a heavy bag full of hot
dogs, and saw ABSOLUTELY NO snow pets. All I saw were little raindorfs laughing
at me. I wanted to kick them, but I've decided that they're not worth wasting
my energy on. After another hour of hopeless walking I finally sat down and
decided to have a hot dog. When I opened my bag, I noticed that ALL my hot dogs
were frozen. And I was S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G. I let out a big sigh. Then I heard a
voice behind me.
"Are you ok? Do you need help with something?"
I looked back and there was a snow Blumaroo. I yelped with joy and threw my
frozen hot dogs around. I was so happy I forgot about my hunger. I decided to
interview this snow Blumaroo since he didn't seem to be busy.
Me: Hi. I'm Apple and I'm a reporter who works for the Neopian Times. And I
was wondering if I could interview you. Oh, pretty please? With sugar on top?
Snow Blumaroo: Sure thing. Umm... *points to my hot dogs* Can I just have few
frozen hot dogs? They're my favorite and I'm starving.
Me: Yeah. *Passes hot dogs* In fact have all of them.
Snow Blumaroo: Gee, thanks! *takes a bite out of frozen hot dogs* Mmmm...
Me: Ok. *looks in bag* Aww, man... My paper and pen are frozen too. I guess
I'll have to remember what you say in my head. So... first question: Where do
most snow pets live?
Snow Blumaroo: *crunch* Well, at this time of the year *crunch* most of the
snow pets are out of Terror Mountain or Ice Caves or Snow Valley. *crunch* A
lot of them went to places such as Neopia Central to visit their friends. It's
pretty cold right now in Neopia Central. *crunch* Me, I live in Neopia Central.
My owner is nice enough to always keep our neohome cold. *crunch*
Me: Ahh. That's why I couldn't find snow pets over here. Hmmm, interesting.
Second question: What do snow pets eat?
Snow Blumaroo: *hold up hot dogs* Snow food and frozen food. Practically all
the stuff you can buy at the Super Happy Icy Fun Snow Shop. I came to Terror
Mountain to buy some frozen food for me and some of my snow friends that are
in Neopia Central. You see, when we, snow pets, eat food other than snow or
frozen food, the inside of our mouths melt a little. *crunch*
Me: Hey, right. I was wondering why you were here. So that's why. Third question:
What are some cons of being a snow pet?
Snow Blumaroo: *crunch* Let's see. There's 1... *crunch* 2...* crunch* 3...
*crunch* 4... *2 months later* 1287...*crunch* 1288!
Me: I didn't say count your stup-... Excuse me... Tell me your 2 main cons.
Snow Blumaroo: *crunch* Well one con is that... *sniffles and takes bite out
of hot dog* some people just think that I'm a snowman that some pesky petpets
made and they pass by me without noticing I'm a pet. Even some of my friends
still do that. *eats hot dog angrily* My second con... Oh right. I told you
I live in Neopia Central, right?
Me: Mmhmm.
Snow Blumaroo: Well, when it gets hot, *crunch* most snow pets move back to
Terror Mountain. Some stay in Neopia Central because their owners hate the cold.
And my owner is one of them... During the summer I mostly stay inside and sometimes
my friends comes over to my neohome... *crunch* but sometimes I have to go outside
to run some errands for my owner. And when I do, I start to melt quickly! I
change from a Blumaroo to a watery --- actually let's not talk about it. It
might disgust you and it brings back bad memories. *sniffles*
Me: *pats Blumaroo's back* Aww, don't be sad. *passes hot dog* Here have another
hot dog. Ok, fourth question: What is 1 good thing about being a snow pet? Only
Snow Blumaroo: Don't worry. *Crunch* There is only one that I can think of
anyway. *Crunch* Snow pets are invincible to the cold and to snow. So no matter
how cold it is we won't feel it. Also I mentioned that we're invincible to snow
right? Hehe. In a snowball fight, snow pets always win.
Me: Well that's it. Is there anything else you want to say? A message, perhaps,
that you want other people to know about.
Snow Blumaroo: Yeah. *Crunch* Being a snow pet is hard. So all owners, if your
goal is to paint your pet snow, you better think again. That's it.
Me: Oh, wait. Sorry, I forgot about an important question. Answer this one
and you can go. What is a snow pet's biggest fear?
Suddenly, the snow Blumaroo pointed at something in back of me and screamed,
"THAT!" And then he ran away. I looked back. There was a fire Grarrl and he
looked pretty dazed.
"Did I do something?" he said.
"Oh no. You know... *shakes head* snow pets..."
Well I guess a snow pet's biggest fear is fire. *shrugs* When I looked back
that stupid snow Blumaroo was completely out of my sight... AND he took my hot
dogs with him. Talk about big appetite.